About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 67 – Side: Main characters (The plan of the boy who knows everything)

(The enemies that appear here are pretty much all weak, so they’re easy to beat! Even the Toad Stinger has a clear weakness, so it’s the perfect time to get experience and trust!)

The people being controlled by the monster armor beast were all just villagers or mountain climbers, so they did not have high combat abilities. With a certain level of equipment, they could even be taken down in one hit.

But the experience gained from beating them was high relative to their strength, and since there were so many of them, it was possible to level up quickly in one go.

Furthermore, the trust from the other students went up relative to the number of crazed people taken down when he bought time.

Still, despite the relatively good amount of experience and trust gained, this was not an effective way to gain it. That was why the reincarnated students who took down the small crabs during the incident with Rush did not accept this quest.

But on the flipside, since Zenon did not get to take part in that event, this one was a perfect opportunity to get both experience points and trust.

The enemies could all be taken down in one hit, thanks to his high stats. And the more he took down, the more favorability he got.

The one behind this incident, the Toad Stinger, was not all that strong either, and being a combination of a plant and a bug monster meant that it had a clear weakness to fire.

Even the one thing worth noting, the sleep status condition, could be dealt with by bringing healing items, since he already knew what would happen during this quest.

And so, Zenon stocked up on a lot of Awakening items, and learned Fire Magic ahead of this quest.

(This is where knowledge of the game really makes me invincible! Ah, I really am the best!!)

Knowing everything, while the other students and villagers involved in this situation panicked, felt even better than he thought.

Looking on from above, and really getting the feeling that he was special, was a very exquisite taste.

And the looks of envy from the others when he defeated the Toad Stinger and completed the quest would truly be the cherry on top.

Filling the gap between himself and the other reincarnated students while getting to taste this, made it worth being addicted to Luminous History.

(Yes! And if that scum Yuugo appears as an enemy character, I can kill him while making it look like an accident! Then Melt will be unattached, and the favorability I’m building up here will increase the chances of getting her in my party!)

He remembered her reaction and the softness of her large chest when he went to rescue her and she grabbed his arm, and his face twisted lewdly.

That reaction surely meant her favorability towards him was increasing… He thought, as he started thinking about eliminating the evil Yuugo during this quest to add Melt to his party, rather, harem.

Yuugo was swallowed by the Matango spore, and Zenon figured he had been stung by the Toad Stinger at that point, and the poison was turning him into its doll.

If he appeared as an enemy, he would use the opportunity to cut him down. Surely Melt would understand if he did not hold back, since he was a strong enemy.

And once the monster armor beast was vanquished and the case was closed… Surely Melt’s favorability would explode, and she would fall under him.

Zenon added taking Yuugo down to his list of objectives, when he heard a female student scream nearby.

“The mist is almost here! We have to hurry!”

Their march really was slow, despite them buying time. The crazed people and the Matango spore caught up in no time.

But this was still following the scenario in Luminous History. This would be where the players would encounter the Toad Stinger, and fight it.

The boss battle was approaching. As was the time to show the others, including Melt, how cool he was.

While filled with excitement and elation, Zenon took out his sword and yelled.

“Everyone! There’s nothing more we can do! We have to face the enemy here!! It’s all right, I’ll lead the charge! Everyone back me up!”

“Z-Zenon! Understood!”

“I’ll do my best too! With Mister Zenon!”

Just the best. It really felt great. He thought as he heard their cheers.

His main character charisma had not abandoned him. He was not done yet. He had plenty of room to recover.

If he played his cards right here, he should be hailed as a hero again. And for that, he had to beat the monster armor beast.

(Come, Toad Stinger! I’m all ready to take you on! I’ve memorized all your attack patterns! I’ll beat you to a pulp!)

He prepared perfectly beforehand. He learned magic that was its weakness, so there was no way he could lose.

If possible, he wanted to kill Yuugo before beating the Toad Stinger, and revive Melt’s flag… But he would just have to see how things went on that front.

He watched as the crazed people slowly approached, and laughed as he felt a presence coming from the mist that drew closer behind them.

The boss’ entrance… He thought back to the event he had seen countless times in Luminous History, and faced the Toad Stinger that emerged from the red spore…


A foolish sounding voice escaped Zenon’s mouth as he faced the monster armor beast.

He kept on looking at what came out of the red mist, with his eyes wide open, as if his thoughts had stopped.

What he saw was not the Toad Stinger, an amalgamation of mushroom and bee monsters.

He expected a somewhat charming monster armor beast with bee stingers growing from both arms, but he could not hide how shaken he was when he saw something completely different.

Zenon would not have been so shaken if it was just a matter of the event changing. The problem was the monster that appeared instead of the Toad Stinger.

Black armor, sharp and thick claws, and sharp spikes growing from its whole body.

He saw a monster open and close its foaming mouth with a clanking sound, that he remembered.

“A-a-ah…!? W-w-w-why is that here…!?”

A painful memory crossed his mind. A fear he wished he could forget, but could not.

The one who beat him before, the monster that Rush turned into, was standing before him again.

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10 months ago

it’s so entertaining to see zenon’s plans just go wrong every time