About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 74 – Diary of the Flower month – Part two

Eighth day

I wrote about Miss Melt the other day, but now I know who she is.

As I thought, she joined the academy in high school, and came from the provinces.

From what I have heard, she has a cheerful personality, and is a friendly person that gets along with just about everyone.

I was thinking I would like to be her friend too… But sadly, I don’t think that will happen.

She has been getting closer to Mister Yuugo, and they even accepted quests together. Being her friend would mean having to be involved with him again.

Even if it is through a female friend, I doubt Mister Zenon would like me getting close to my former fiancee.

With his feelings in mind, I should probably give up on becoming her friend.

I’m just worried about something bad happening to a girl that gets closer to Mister Yuugo. I don’t want Miss Melt to receive the same treatment I did.

Especially since she is so lovely… This might sound improper, but both her chest and backside are bigger than mine, and her proportions are excellent.

If Mister Yuugo has bad intentions in mind, and is thinking about assaulting her… That makes me very anxious.

He couldn’t easily put his hands on me, thanks to the circumstances with my family, but Miss Melt is different. And if he thinks he has nothing left to lose, he might let his lust take over and just go for it… Will she be all right?

I really hope nothing happens…

PS: I went out with Mister Zenon today, and had a lot of fun!

We went around buying and eating snacks, checked out many shops, and chatted in a cafe. I have never had such a fun day!

To think I could ever experience such joy, that was so far from me back when I was engaged to Mister Yuugo… I am very happy.

Every day, I am more thankful to Mister Zenon!

Ninth day

Hum… I have never been more perplexed.

I apologize if what I write sounds strange, or if I use weird words. My mind is in a state of confusion.

Where should I begin…

So much happened, that I don’t even know what to write.

Let’s start from what I heard and what happened, in order.

Firstly, the day I went on a date with Mister Zenon, there was an incident with monster armor beasts in the Marmint road.

I was surprised to hear of such a thing happening in a place known for being peaceful, but I was even more surprised to hear Mister Yuugo contributed to the incident being settled.

According to rumors, he saved people taken from a magic train, and fought off arachlaw. It truly is unbelievable.

But apparently he really did accept a patrolling quest with Miss Melt, so it seems like it is true.

There is a lot of surprised gossip around me as well, and because of that, I think the story is getting embellished.

He beat five arachlaw by himself, made sure a child was mentally well, there were no casualties thanks to him… I can’t help but feel this is all being punched up.

Speaking of rumors, I heard something else. Some say this incident was orchestrated by none other than Mister Yuugo, all to trick Miss Melt…

I have a hard time believing it. It’s hard to believe he stopped a magic train and released monster armor beasts.

But his personality is what leads people to believe he really might have done something like that, so all I can say is that his past behavior is the root of all these rumors.

Regardless of whether or not they are true, Miss Melt’s trust towards him has deepened, and they are now closer.

She is a very cute girl with many fans, so a lot of people are surprised to see her be friendly with the vicious Mister Yuugo, and some are not taking it well.

Mister Zenon seems to be the former, and looked like he was moping when he saw them having fun talking in the cafeteria, along with Phi.

I didn’t know what to say at that time. I’m irritated by my weakness…

PS: I heard that students who are not happy with Miss Melt and Mister Yuugo getting along are taking action. They have been telling her he is problematic, and trying to convince her to stay away.

Considering the possibility that he might put his hands on her, I am inclined to agree. And I do feel like cheering on Mister Rush Winhelm, who spoke about a plan to rescue her.

But for some reason… Deep down, I feel like something is strange.

Maybe I should talk about it with the heartbroken Mister Zenon.

I am a little hesitant, but since I decided to support him, I should make sure to talk to him about these things.

Note: Since these are mostly flashbacks, I’m uploading five chapters this week.

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Simon Glitch
Simon Glitch
10 months ago

“But for some reason… Deep down, I feel like something is strange.”

Maybe Yuugo and Zenon really did switch places. i.e. Claire is inclined to trust Yuugo more than she should because Yuugo is now the canonical main character. . Just a though though. I’ll potentially have more evidence later this week.

8 months ago

Her story is almost sad. She yearned for freedom and yet is mentally bonded to the idea of being someone’s. Hopefully she finds greater meaning and an identity of her own without being one with a man