About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 76 – Diary of the Flower month – Part four

Fourteenth day

Today, when I was walking down a hall in the academy, Mister Rush spoke to me.

He asked me if I knew where Mister Zenon was, and when I told him a few places where I thought he might be, he thanked me and went looking for him.

Come to think of it, that was my first time seeing him in a while.

It seemed he was quiet after losing the duel to Mister Yuugo, but I’m sure he was not holed up in his room, like Mister Zenon was before.

Where was he? What was he doing? And what did he want with Mister Zenon?

I got a little curious, so I asked Mister Zenon about it. And apparently he had Mister Rush scouting out Mister Yuugo and Miss Melt.

Mister Zenon said it was to expose Mister Yuugo’s cheating in that duel. It’s true that if they get proof, they might be able to successfully convince Miss Melt.

But… As I listened to it, I started to have doubts about what Mister Zenon was doing. I don’t know if he feels more enmity towards Mister Yuugo than he should, or if he has a strong attachment to Miss Melt, but… If he let it be, we could have a fun, peaceful life here, so why does he go out of his way to seek trouble?

What is even stranger, is the intense hatred that Mister Zenon feels towards Mister Yuugo, despite joining the academy in high school.

If he joined from elementary, or even middle school, he would know about Mister Yuugo’s bad behavior and hate him for it. I could understand his resentment then, but Mister Zenon has basically just joined the academy. It hasn’t even been a month since he met mister Yuugo.

Even if he heard rumors, that level of hatred is strange.

If anything, I think the neutral position Miss Melt started from towards him is more natural.

Why does he call him scum, and hate him that much…

…No, I should probably not think about it too much.

Mister Zenon has a strong sense of justice. He heard about Mister Yuugo’s bad behavior towards me shortly after we met, and cared enough to challenge him to a duel.

I’m sure he resents him more than he should due to righteous indignation. That is a quality of his, but also a bad habit.

As someone who stands by his side, it’s my duty to make up for this bad part of his.

Finally… I’m relieved to have found something I can do for him.

Fifteenth day

Today, I spoke with Mister Zenon again. It was for a short time, but it was fun.

Whether it’s advising or warning someone, there is a better chance they will listen, if it is done by someone close to their heart.

I like spending time like this, but it is also for the sake of my future.

Apparently, there were incidents in town today, but I don’t know the details.

Rumors about suspicious people, magic crystals in institutions going berserk, and explosions.

But despite all of this going around, there is no concrete information, so I’m thinking this could also be exaggerated.

I know this is changing the topic abruptly, but I heard Mister Zenon gave Mister Rush some advice today.

It seems he has also gotten over his doubts and is facing forward, so I am very happy about it.

Mister Zenon is so kind, offering his friend advice like that.

I hope I can become the sort of person that is able to give Mister Zenon that push when he needs it too.

Eighteenth day

The last few days have been peaceful… Is what I would like to write, but there is an ominous atmosphere in the air.

There has been something terrifying happening in the Luminous Academy. Students have been disappearing in succession.

Thankfully, this has not involved me or Mister Zenon, but… It feels like strange things keep happening lately.

The monster armor beasts in Marmint road, the vague incidents in town, and now the disappearances…

Just what is going on around here?

It seems Mister Zenon is also interested in these cases, but is listening to my request to not go out of his way to get involved.

I was happy when he told me that his number one priority was to be more friendly with me, but more relieved.

It really feels like my efforts to be closer to him have not been in vain.

For now at least, we should just lead quiet days here in the academy. It is a student’s job to study, after all.

…Come to think of it, I feel like Mister Rush has stopped reporting to Mister Zenon. They talked about monitoring Mister Yuugo, but what happened with that?

Well, maybe when Mister Rush asked him for advice, Mister Zenon finally realized that it was strange to let Mister Yuugo have a grip on his heart.

If I think of it as proof that he changed his mind, there is no need to be concerned.

Twentieth day

Multiple students have disappeared around the academy.

Everyone is on edge about it, and anxiety is spreading throughout the academy. It’s a very bad atmosphere.

I am starting to feel like my advice to Mister Zenon to not get involved was wrong.

If he investigated it, maybe this would not have happened… I can’t stop myself from thinking that.

I hear there was a middle schooler among the victims. It really breaks my heart. I pray from the bottom of my heart that she and everyone else are found safe.

Come to think of it, a large number of the students who disappeared knew Mister Rush.

Could that be related…?

Twenty-second day

Mister Zenon… He…!

No. My heart is a wreck today. I can’t even write.

I will come back when I’m feeling calmer.

Please Mister Zenon… Please be all right…

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Simon Glitch
Simon Glitch
9 months ago

Right. So the last day is the day Zenon was injured by Rush and Yuugo helped him out. I would love to learn more about how this made Claire feel, but I guess we’ll get information on that in the next chapter.