About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 77 – Diary of the Flower month – Part five

Twenty-fifth day

I’m very sorry about the other day.

I should properly write what has been happening in the last few days.

A large number of strange monsters appeared inside the Luminous Academy the other day, causing panic.

Those small crab-like monsters were not strong, but their numbers and the suddenness of their attack threw both students and teachers into a state of panic, and caused a lot of damage.

Mister Zenon was wounded, severely enough to render him unconscious… Thankfully, his wounds were not fatal, and since he was quickly taken to the infirmary and treated, it did not take long for him to regain consciousness.

Apparently it was Mister Yuugo who took him there, and I am very grateful to him for it.

Some students led the charge against the monster armor beasts, which led to them being eradicated, and the situation being settled.

…But there was a lot of damage done to the academy, including people being wounded, which cannot be overlooked.

Mister Rush is also still missing, so it really makes me feel that this whole mess caused a lot of damage.

It seems Mister Zenon was truly shocked about losing a friend, because he has been feeling down ever since.

He does not respond to me when I call him, and seems to be eagerly doing something on his own.

Even the students who saw him as a hero after he defeated Mister Yuugo in a duel are now all about the ones who led this incident to its conclusion.

That is probably not doing wonders for his heart either.

It seems his kind attitude has taken a backseat to him trying to desperately regain that lost honor.

But it’s when he is in a precarious situation that I can truly repay my debt, so I am going to stay by his side until the end.

So please don’t corner yourself like this anymore. I’m happy just spending time peacefully with you…

Twenty-sixth day

Mister Zenon accepted a quest, and went to the Yum-Yum Mountain. He didn’t even say anything to me…

On one hand, it might be a good change of pace, but considering he has basically not spoken to me for days, I am also very concerned.

I understand he has his pride, and doesn’t want to appear pathetic in front of the girl he likes, but I think there is something else he is obsessing about.

Hero, main character… I have heard him mutter these words a lot. And his face in profile always looks scary when he does, to the point where I even hesitate to speak to him.

Maybe this is my fault. Maybe he needs to be strong enough to keep me by his side. Maybe he needs everyone to acknowledge his power, if he is to walk towards the future with me.

Maybe that is why he is so obsessed with the title of hero, and honor… When I realized that I might be the one causing him to go astray, a cold sweat ran down my back.

There might be something negative inside me, if I’m causing the boy I decided to serve to go crazy.

I cannot help but feel this way, especially when I see Phi, Miss Melt, and Mister Yuugo lead peaceful days together.

Mister Yuugo was disowned by the Clay family, our engagement was annulled, and I felt like I became free… But I am still bound by being a noble.

If Mister Zenon is unable to continue to show he is strong enough, my father might find another person suitable to marry me, and switch to him instead.

He has to keep proving his strength for that purpose, because he is not from a noted family.

As I spend time by myself, feeling lonely, I realize that Mister Zenon might be like Mister Yuugo in that sense.

Is he seeking honor for my sake, or wanting me for the sake of honor… Watching him work so frantically makes me not understand anymore.

I believe it is the former. I believe it is all for the sake of walking to the future together.

But that just makes me want even more for him to come back and talk to me. I want to discuss how we are going to be from now on.

Claire will be on your side until the end… Mister Zenon…

Twenty-seventh day

I heard something truly unbelievable.

Mister Zenon was involved in an incident in the middle of his work in the Yum-Yum Mountain.

He fought a monster armor best, lost, and suffered heavy wounds. He is now in the hospital receiving treatment.

Thankfully, they once again were not fatal, but… I cannot imagine just how big of a shadow being defeated in that flustered state is casting on his heart.

Also… I find this hard to believe, but there are reports that he killed people.

This scandal is causing murmurs between the students as well, blowing away all the respect they had for him.

I want this to be a misunderstanding. I want the reality to be that there were no casualties, and things are just being exaggerated in a bad way.

Please, god. I know this is a selfish wish, but please make it be true…!

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10 months ago

thanks or always bringing chapters of this series

10 months ago

I am surprised that Claire is staying loyal to Zenon even after the mountain incident while the other students looked down on him. In fact, she is blaming herself for his antics. Is this one of the effects of high affection level?

10 months ago
Reply to  Laisy96

Nah she is just being a normal human being, not just a harem target. which was ignored by Zenon.

5 months ago

Poor girl…