About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 80 – The studio, the hated one, and boobs

“Hohe! So this is the studio!? It’s really awesome how there’s facilities like these in the academy!”

Yuugo had just arrived at the specialized studio of the technical department, and could not help but be impressed by what he saw inside.

There were workbenches for forging and casting weapons, that he had no idea how they worked. There were also freshly made weapons and equipment next to them, and the whole thing felt like he had jumped into the world of a manga or game.

And he was even more impressed because this was a facility in the academy, which meant that the people using it were students like himself. And as he stood in awe, Phi approached him and whispered.

“Big brother, I understand your excitement, but don’t touch anything. Everything here is stuff the technical department is either servicing or making.”

“I know that! I’m not that dumb. More importantly, we need to talk about improving Blaster, right? How do we do that? Do we just grab a random person and talk to them?”

It seemed Yuugo remembered why they were there after all. Phi wondered if he had forgotten it amid the excitement, so he was relieved to hear his reaction. And he thought to himself that he also needed to act towards that goal.

He was not sure about it either, but thought to himself that they should start by trying his brother’s idea of just speaking to someone. But then…

“Hey, if it isn’t the former eldest son of the Clay family. What? You brought a kid and a girl on a field trip?”


Someone spoke to Yuugo all of a sudden, and he turned that way while letting out a foolish sounding voice.

What he saw was a male student wearing a blue jumpsuit, with an expression that matched the hostility in the words directed at him.

“Are you a student of the technical department? Then I need some advice from someone who specializes in making magic items stronger.”

“Advice? Ha, get a load of this guy! Your daddy’s prized Garandil got taken away, so you want us to get you another sword that matches it? Unfortunately, you’re not going to find anything here that pleases a formal noble such as yourself. Leave already.”

“No, that’s not it! I just need advice about this…!?”

“B-big brother!?”

Yuugo continued speaking, undeterred by the student’s rudeness, but said student suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against a wall.

Yuugo let out a small gasp in confusion, as the student’s face twisted with anger, and he continued.

“Didn’t you hear me telling you to leave? We don’t wanna do a single thing for you.”

“Ah… Could it be that I did something to you in the past?”

Yuugo asked, as the smile on his face twisted, and he thought to himself ‘this again’. But the student growled at him with hatred in his eyes.

“Don’t play with me. How many times did I see you calling the swords our seniors put their souls into inferior goods, or low quality goods, or complete crap?

Well of course, compared to a top of the line magic item like Garandil, swords made by students like us are just toys, right? But we work hard to make even a single sword. And after mocking that, you come asking for help when you’re in trouble? How stupid do you think we are!?”

And as if agreeing with him, the other students working in the studio also turned to Yuugo with hostility in their eyes.

Yuugo wondered just how much resentment the guy he reincarnated into caused before he took over, as Phi sensed the situation on the verge of exploding, and rushed to stop the student.

“H-hum…! I’m sorry, but my brother lost his memory! He forgot all sorts of things, so his question wasn’t meant to upset you…”

“Shut up! You’ve got nothing to do with this! Anyway, we’re not gonna do anything for you! If you get that, leave! And next time, I’ll use force!”

Yuugo was about to say he was doing it already, but stopped, because he figured that would just anger him even more.

Yuugo had no idea the technical students hated him this much, and was at a complete loss.

He figured that at that rate, he was going to cause problems not just for himself, but for Phi and Melt too, and decided it was a good idea to leave for now.

But as he was about to leave…

“Hold on. Lemme see that magic item.”


Yuugo raised his head when he suddenly heard someone’s voice, and gulped when he saw a girl standing by the entrance.

Melt, Phi, and even the other students were just as surprised, but… That had mostly to do with what she was wearing.

Unlike the others, she was wearing a red jumpsuit, but the zipper was down to the bellybutton.

There were two mountains hidden behind what appeared to be a black bikini, and they shook as she walked closer.

“Awawawawawah! Wawah!?”

“Phi, don’t look! It’s too much excitement for a good boy like you!!”

Yuugo covered Phi’s eyes, judging this to be a sight too adult for his eyes.

At the same time, the girl walked until she was just as close as the boy wearing a blue jumpsuit, who turned to her with a question, and an annoyed expression.

“Angel…! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

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9 months ago

Lesgo we gor our mechanic and another capture target for yuugo to add to his sentai team and screw over the reincarnated group lmao

9 months ago

Of course Yuugo’s first action is to protect Phi’s innocence.

Blade king form
Blade king form
9 months ago

Still no pic? I really have to wait for the manga to keep up? either she look like Winry Rockwell from FMA or Bellows from Gargantia?

Just passing through
Just passing through
2 months ago
Reply to  Hidamarisou

I picture her to be more like Grace from Z.Z.Z IMO