An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 105 – Blacksnake’s tears – Part five

Izekiel is shorter than Iris.

She’s wearing the same outfit as Iris, with the difference being the lack of a mask, meaning her face is bare.

It’s said that the custom of saintesses wearing masks varies from person to person, but maybe they decided Izekiel wouldn’t wear one after Iris was a failure.

That’s just a theory, but it’s possible. Not that it means much to us.

Her blonde hair is big enough to reach her waist, and is tied together with a pink ribbon in front of her chest.

She really is a beautiful woman, and she’s holding a staff that’s about as big as her with her right hand.

It’s decorated with a carving of a snake symmetrically intertwined in it.

“It’s been a week, princess. Is this the rumored mage?”


Izekiel looks at me, and back at Sephilia.

She has a smile on her face, but her eyes are sharp, and I can tell she’s wary of me.

“What is his name?”

“The mage’s name is Loyd.”

“Ah, what a wonderful name. Is he from Roland?”

“No, he is a visitor from Merzelia. More importantly saintess, is there a reason why you are standing before us?”

“Fufufu, princess. There is no need for such caution.”

“It seems you are more wary than me, saintess.”

“Fufufu, perhaps. I am also very surprised about your arrival to Roland at this time. I will ask you directly, how much have you told your friend about my secret?”

Izekiel’s smile exudes bloodlust.

I’m just listening to them, and I’m surprised by the powerful magic energy she is releasing.

She was brought in as a replacement of Iris, but this amount of magic energy is the real deal. It shows she didn’t just get here by luck.

If I think anything I shouldn’t, she’ll kill me. That’s what I get from her words.

Meanwhile, Sephilia isn’t disturbed at all, and speaks plainly.

“Don’t worry saintess, I have said nothing yet.”

“Why? Can you corner me politically?”

“I have no interest in this Roland, I only care about Miss Iris. If you take a cooperative attitude in freeing Miss Iris, we will quietly leave Roland. I have decided not to have any regrets towards the saintess.”

“…Leave Roland. Don’t go back on it.”

“Of course. I won’t be involved with it. But if you break the promise, I will gladly present your head.”

“Hm, very well. I will believe you, princess. I want to avoid fighting you, so I am very relieved to hear this.”

Izekiel’s bloodlust fades, and she happily holds her staff.

“Saintess, as I said before, it was Ghise’s conspiracy that brought me here. Miss Iris braved danger to rescue me, and is not a threat to your position. She is very happy with her peaceful life in Minerva, so why would she care about Roland now?”

“You are correct. Well then, I will trust you, and have her freed right away. I’m sure you won’t feel at ease with her imprisoned.”

“I am very grateful for your kindness and your magnanimous decision in treasuring our peace.”

Sephilia gently smiles, and Izekiel smiles back.

This took less than a minute, but it was an intense back and forth where they exchanged demands. It seems she doesn’t want Sephilia as her enemy either.

I heard something about Izekiel having a secret, but I don’t think Sephilia will mention it again.

I’m curious about it, but Iris’ safety is more important. If she’s freed, I have no complaints.

Once their discussion is over and Izekiel accepts Sephilia’s demands, we head towards the guard in front of the detached building.

A few minutes later, Iris is brought out by three guards. She’s not cuffed or shackled, showing she really is free.

“Rest easy knowing we won’t do a curse contract or anything to honor the promise.”

“I am glad to hear it.”

Iris sees us, and her worried expression is filled with surprise, before turning into one like she’s about to cry.


Iris runs, and hugs Sephilia, tears streaming from her eyes at this long-awaited reunion.

She keeps crying like a child, and Sephilia holds her tightly.

Sephilia really is the most important person in the world for Iris. And as I feel that, I’m also happy about their reunion.

I’m really not doing anything here, uh?

I assisted Sephilia with magic, but I didn’t help at all with that court power struggle.

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