An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 16 – Adventurer guild – Part one – Happy days

The next morning, we start talking about how we’re going to act in the adventurer guild.

My idea is for me to go there alone, do all the formalities on my own, and take quest documents to them. That’s the safest approach, and it would make it easier to play things by ear.

Mars nods in agreement, and Lela listens quietly with her arms crossed.

“What do you think, Lela?”

“Your idea does seem like the safest option.”

It feels like there’s more to it than she’s letting on.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s just a lot different from what I was thinking.”

Hou, there’s the number one advisor in our party. So she has a plan of her own that I didn’t think of.

“Tell us your plan too Lela. We can use it as reference.”

“My idea is very simple. We just all go to the adventurer guild together.”

“Like, disguised?”

“No disguises, we just go.”

That sounds like an outrageous idea that would put a smile on a certain snow queen’s face.

Even I’m surprised that Lela’s idea is no idea. Even not planning at all would be better.

It looks like Mars agrees, because his mouth is hanging open in surprise.

“What if someone suspects something?”

I ask.

“Then act like a man and accept it. You can’t fool them forever.”

“What a manly half elf. That could almost be a Chinese expression.”

Lela takes a breath, and slowly starts stating her opinion.

“If it was before last night, I would have agreed with you, but I’ve changed my mind a little.

I think not knowing you’re a master rank is very important to maintain your peaceful daily life, but I think your happiness takes precedence over that.

Wouldn’t you say that a fun daily life instead of a peaceful one would be proper happiness?

When you lose your peaceful daily life, I’ll take responsibility and turn it into a fun one. So how about we all go together like yesterday?”

I finally understand what she means.

After what happened yesterday, I unconsciously got it stuck in my head that people can’t know I’m a master rank.

That might be good if I’m going to avoid unnecessary trouble, and it wouldn’t be good for me if a lot of people knew about it.

But if I get too hung up on it, I won’t be able to grasp happiness that should originally be within my reach.

I already have friends that understand me well. At this point, I’m no longer unhappy.

Just thinking about that makes me feel a little at ease.

“Yes. Let’s all go together. And pretend yesterday didn’t happen.”

I say with my arms spread wide, and the two of them look very happy.

So in order for me to maintain my happiness, people knowing I’m a master rank was never a problem (…) from the start.

Ten minutes later, we arrive at the adventurer guild, and go through the swinging door.

It’s the middle of the afternoon, so it’s pretty rowdy in here.

I was curious because of the arrow incident, but the broken window has already been fixed. And it doesn’t feel like the other adventurers are concerned about it at all.

I thought maybe they’d come after us because of it, but apparently not.

“You overthought it, Loyd.”

“That’s good. I would hate it if they suspected an innocent person like you, Lela.”

There’s a receptionist lady with white hair and animal ears.

Her work shirt is open a lot in the chest area, and I can see a small valley.

I try talking to her.

“I want to register as an adventurer.”

“A new adventurer? Please write your name in this piece of paper.”

She blinks with her long eyelashes, and responds to me with a smile.

I feel like she’s good at dealing with people.

I’m given two pieces of paper and a pen.

There are spaces for me to write my name and race, and they also list important points to look out for and rules.

I write Loyd, and needless to say, human.

“So, Mister Loyd. Let me explain the adventurer guild.”

And so, she does.

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8 months ago

It finally begins.