An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 21 – Meeting the saintess again

Iris is soaked after floating down the river, and her silver hair that stretches all the way to her waist is dripping.

I can see her shoulders and the contours of her body clearly, and even kind of see the color of her underwear through her soaked white outfit. It makes her look even more alluring than when I met her.

She’s going to catch a cold if she stays like this, so I cast the highest ranking magic Full Recovery. It cures the target’s status conditions, returns their equipment to normal, and fully heals their stamina.

It uses about ninety percent of my magic energy, so it’s not something I can use lightly, but the current situation made me decide to use it right away.

Can’t underestimate those colds.

It’s more than that. If a nice girl like Iris caught a cold, Mister Loyd here would actually cry, so I really had to use this strong magic.

After a few seconds, her outfit is that of a solemn saintess again.

That’s a relief. And when she thanks me, I answer gentlemanly that ‘I just did what was natural for a friend’.

And then we hug, both happy about seeing each other again.

“It’s been a while, Mister Loyd. I’m happy to see you again.

We haven’t spoken like this since the day we met.”

“About two weeks ago? I’m glad to see you haven’t changed, and look like you’re full of energy.”

Leaving the whole floating down the river thing aside for now, she’s smiling, so that’s all right.

“That’s my only merit, so…”

We tell each other what’s been going on.

Iris made up with her attendant, and her one week stay here was extended to a month. That’s very good news to me.

She’s very surprised when I tell her I’ve become an adventurer, and looks a little jealous. I don’t know why, but apparently she isn’t allowed to become an adventurer herself.

“I’m sure you can become a fine adventurer.”

“Thank you. I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.”

“And I will root for you as a friend.”

If I have her support, I really need to do my best.

I’m aiming for A rank, and that vacation home bonus.

“By the way, why did you float down a river?”

“To put it bluntly, I was practicing my magic.

Do you know the spell Water Daedalus? I was trying to practice it, but couldn’t quite control it, and ended up being caught in my own magic.”

That’s a highest rank spell. That makes sense.

Water Daedalus. One of the seven types of highest rank magic, and a secret elemental technique that is also said to be one of the peaks of blue mages.

“That makes sense. Practicing that magic is hard. It took me about a month to get the hang of it.”

“Wait… Does that mean you can use Water Daedalus?”


“Mister Loyd, if you can, will you teach me how to control it? I can thank you in any way you like later.”

I can’t refuse her. And she says she’ll thank me. What does she mean?

“Then let’s practice together this afternoon.”

“Thank you.”

The first thing she says is thank you. It’s like a representation of her character. Iris is an even more charming girl than when I met her two weeks ago.

“Well then, I need to leave for now to tell my attendant I will be practicing this afternoon.”

“I’ll take it easy here until you come back.”

Iris excuses herself, and leaves.

And ten minutes later, she comes back with a basket and a canteen.

“What’s that?”

“Sandwiches. I was given these to have with you.”

“Sorry for the trouble.”

I need to thank that attendant directly.

“Well then, how about we have lunch together?”


The white stew should be ready too, so it’s perfect timing.

“By the way Iris, are there any vegetables you don’t like?”

I ask while serving stew. Some people don’t like stuff like carrots for example.

“You think a representative of god would be picky about vegetables?”

“I guess not. That’s very good, Iris.”

“If I had to say, I would say I can’t eat bell peppers. I can’t even look at them.”

So you do have vegetables you don’t like.

Thankfully, there are none of those in this stew, so she should be able to eat it.

I lay down a sheet, and we eat the food we brought.

First, I taste the stew while it’s still warm.

Yes, it’s good. Iris is also scooping it up with a spoon, and a smile on her face. It looks like she’s happy with it.

Her basket is full of sandwiches. That gets me thinking about what the attendant is going to have for lunch, but thinking about things too much is a bad habit of mine, so I forget about it and focus on eating with Iris.

“Can I have one too?”

“More than one, eat as many as you like. I think Nero would be happy if you did.”


“The chef who made these sandwiches.”

She has an attendant and a chef? She really is a saintess.

So a chef made these? I can’t wait to try them.

I like ham sandwiches, so I grab one and take a bite…

And it’s like electricity runs through my brain. I-it’s too good. What’s with this ham sandwich? This isn’t like the ham sandwiches I know.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“This ham sandwich is very good.”

“That’s good to hear. I’m sure Nero will be happy to know that. I should introduce you next time.”

“Yes, please. I want to unravel the secret of this sandwich.”

“You sound like a detective. This tuna sandwich is also good.”

She says as she grabs it and takes it to my mouth.

T-this is like when couples feed each other.

“The sandwiches are very good, but your white stew is just as good. It’s very tasty.”


“Yes, I could have multiple servings.”

She says with a light smile.

I never knew someone praising my cooking could make me feel this happy.

Actually, I think it’s more like I forgot.

Talking with Iris makes me recall some fun memories from a long time ago.


【Head maid’s point of view】

Fufu, that seems like a nice atmosphere.

I haven’t seen such a pure smile on the lady’s face in quite a long time.

She always pushes herself to act like a proper saintess when she is with me, so it feels quite fresh seeing her as she really is.

Watching their wholesome lunch feels like my heart is being cleansed.

It feels like the grease stains that are even now stuck in the kitchen are being cleaned along with it.

But then, I hear something disquieting behind me.

I turn around, and see a man and woman whispering.

“All right Sephilia. Do you have the holy sword? Our target is the fake mage next to Iris.”

“I forgot the holy sword at home, but I brought daikon.”

The young maid says with a serious expression.

She has silver hair down to her shoulders, with a black hairband. Her face looks very intellectual, and this maid has an air of seriousness and competence to her.

“What are you an idiot!? I’m always telling you to keep the holy sword close to you at all times!”

The man is very surprised, and yells angrily at the maid.

But the maid seems to not mind it at all, and continues speaking plainly with the same expression.

“I apologize. I remembered this morning that you asked me to buy daikon, and that is where my attention ended up being directed.”

“When was that!? I asked you to go shopping three days ago!

And since you wouldn’t bring me anything, I bought that daikon myself ages ago!”

“That’s our Nero.”

Sephilia praises the man in front of her.

Their back and forth is leaving me exasperated.

The angry emotionally unstable man is a pain, but the actions of his direct subordinate make my head hurt even more.

When is she going to learn how to do some shopping properly? It’s also my fault for not educating her well, but mistaking a holy sword and daikon is simply not normal.

“Hey Till! You’re the head maid! Educate Sephilia properly!”

“Quiet. You’re bothering people around us.”

We are all observing Miss Iris from behind a rock, but the two behind me are so noisy, that we are drawing attention from people who think we are dangerous.

“Sephilia, you barely pass as a maid, but you’re the best in the empire at Extorion (western swordsmanship).

You could actually make him disappear with daikon alone.”

“Leave it to me, Nero.

I, Sephilia, in the name of the holy knight Nero, will eliminate from this world the one he called ‘a great devil that’s deceiving my cute Iris’.

“Yes, that’s the spirit. Kill him.”

I get up, and hit the butt of the man in front of me with a paper fan.


He screams while holding his butt, arches his body backwards as his muscles freeze, and falls to the ground and spasms. His butt is pointed up and towards me.

“Nero!? H-head maid, how could you!? Nero’s hemorrhoids worsening have made that a constant red zone!”

“It’s what he gets for staying up all night eating sweets.”

I respond with no emotion.

“T-Till. Are you going to betray me!?”

The man that’s around thirty, Nero, glares at me with tears in his eyes and his butt still sticking out.

It looks like it hurt a lot. He is not moving at all.

“I was never on your side to begin with. Are you getting senile in your thirties?”

“I haven’t hit thirty yet. I’m eternally eighteen.”

“Says the man that blamed his age for his recent diet failing. I’m shocked about a grown man like you butting into those kids’ romance. Have some shame.”

Smack smack smack smack smack!

I keep smacking him with the paper fan, and Nero doesn’t move.

The damage I am doing to his hemorrhoid stricken butt is all fatal, but I think little of destroying Nero’s butt if it means protecting the lady’s peace.

“Sephilia, dispose of this man where he won’t bother anyone.”

“Y-yes, head maid!”

Sephilia drags Nero’s dead body, and leaves.

Now let us keep observing.

I’m pretty sure that mage is called Loyd. The mage called Loyd with a picking rate of forty percent is quite famous, but is that him?

I assume not… But personally, I would rather if he was.

Apparently he was beaten pretty badly by this world, but the dunkelheit that mage picked was helpful in treating my dearest friend.

I want to repay him, so I truly wish that this man is Loyd the exclusive mage.

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