An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 23 – Quest complete

Nothing really happens on the road from the Great Vidd Forest’s campgrounds to Minerva. It’s peaceful.

I get to talk to Iris a lot, and get along with her attendant too.

Once we get to Minerva, the gatekeeper demands an explanation about the assassin wrapped in a bamboo mat.

“It’s a little complicated, so I’d rather explain directly with the guildmaster. Can someone get in touch with her for us?”

I say while showing my guild card.

“I think it will be handled quickly if you use the name Iris.”

Says Iris.

Ten minutes later, the guildmaster arrives.

She has a sharp look in her eyes and gives off kind of a scary impression, but she’s a beautiful woman full of mature charm.

She has a red flower petal brooch on her white coat, and her black corset is fixed in a way that emphasizes the contours of her body. And maybe it’s a remnant from when she was a holy knight, but she’s wearing armor, along with white arm and leg coverings.

“Mu, that waist is lewd…!”

“If that’s all you have to say, we should cancel this meeting.”

“I’m sorry! It just slipped out of my mouth!”

I rush to apologize, and Isolte sighs.

She has a nice face, but her sharp eyes give off a kind of scary impression.

She looked pitiful before because she was surprised about Iris, but now she’s facing us with a majestic attitude.

We explain things to the guildmaster, and hand over the assassin. He’s restrained both on his arms and legs, and taken away by burly knights.

“Those restraints suck magic energy from the captive. It doesn’t matter if it’s a knight or someone that can use magic energy, that person is as good as neutralized.”

“Thank you. Now I can rest easy in Minerva.”

“It is the least I can do as something from the Minerfort family.”

“Minerfort family?”

I ask.

“My father is the feudal lord of Minerva. That means my name is Isolte Von Minerfort.

She says, almost like she’s talking about someone else.

The daughter of the feudal lord… Seriously…

Hey hey, you should have told us that right from the start.

A town’s feudal lord is definitely above a count, so if she’s his daughter, that makes her a noble lady. Maybe that would change if she were married though.

A noble… That doesn’t bring back good memories. Nobles usually had weird requests.

We accepted too many requests from nobles back when I was an exclusive mage, so I feel like I’m not too good at dealing with them.

“Miss Iris, don’t worry about the assassin, and be at ease in Minerva. Despite being in a remote area, it is a very nice town.”

“Thank you very much. Hearing that makes me feel very reassured.”

Says Iris, sounding very happy.

Nice nice. Girls should be smiling.

“What’s wrong, Loyd?”

Asks Isolte after turning to me.

“Nothing. Thank you very much, guildmaster.”

“Yes, good luck, Loyd. Being able to protect Miss Iris as her personal guard mage is wonderful indeed.”

I told you, I’m not her personal guard mage or anything…

Isolte knows I’m an adventurer, but I guess part of her thinks that being an adventurer is a side job, and my main job is protecting Iris.

I met her a few times when I was doing my newbie adventurer study sessions, and she always asked about Iris.

Every time, I told her I’m not Iris’ personal guard mage, but she would always laugh it off and tell me not to be so humble.

“Hum, guildmaster, I’ve told you several times before, but I’m a normal adventurer, not a personal guard mage.”

“Hahaha, goodbye everyone!”

“Listen to me!”

Isolte leaves. She might be the type that doesn’t really listen to others.

Then I remember that I haven’t reported that I’ve completed my quest, so I head to the adventurer guild to do that. And Iris tells her attendants to go on to the inn without her, because she’s coming with me.

Apparently she’s curious about how I normally work as an adventurer.

It’s actually just my first quest, but I have no reason to say no to her, so I let her come to the guild with me.

◇ ◇ ◇

I haven’t been here in a week.

The lobby is packed during daytime, but a path opens when Iris walks in.

“W-who’s that beautiful lady!?”

“Ah, Miss Iris.”

“Do you think she’d accept if I invited her to my party?”

She’s kind of an airhead, so I typically forget this, but Iris is really beautiful. She has all the appeal of a girl her age, and she’s really saintess. Even I don’t know what that means.

And because of her beauty, the male adventurer’s eyes focus on her, but I even hear female voices that sound impressed.

I look at the side of Iris’ face, and she looks completely unconcerned.

Her saintess switch is fully off. She’s probably not thinking about anything.

As for Loyd here, no one’s looking at me. I’m actually surprised by how invisible I am. I’m completely out of people’s minds.

Then I go to the reception desk in the center to report that I’ve completed my quest.

My goblin hunting quest is done, and I get fifty silver coins, along with a gold one as a bonus.

It’s definitely not a lot of money compared to what I was making as an exclusive mage, but it’s my first reward.

I picked the quest, and I did it. I took my first step as an adventurer.

Now I just want to keep doing them.

And right after I’m done with it, Mars and Lela come to me.

“That’s our sensei.”

“Congratulations. You completed a quest.”

The timing tells me they were waiting for me to finish.

Lela peeks at Iris, but doesn’t really react, other than doing a simple bow before continuing to talk.

Mars also doesn’t really react to Iris.

It feels like they’re aware of her, but purposefully not reacting. Are they holding back out of consideration for Iris?

“You came here just to see me?”

“We just happened to be nearby. And we have a quest too, so later.”

Says Lela, and she leaves quickly.

“That was a little cold, but it was Lela who said she wanted to be the first one to talk to you after you completed the quest.”

Says Mars quietly.

So she didn’t say it directly, but she was concerned.

“Mars, we’re going.”

Lela is calling him.

“Well then, I’m leaving too. Good luck on your adventurer life. We’re rooting for you.”

“You too, Mars.”

They’re gone before I know it.

“Are they your friends?”

“Yes, but they look busy today. I want to introduce you later when we have the time.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

We leave the adventurer guild and walk through Flor Street on our way to the inn, but I buy two ice creams on the way, and give one to Iris.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s sit on that bench over there.”


We do that, and I eat my ice cream next to Iris.

This time feels so precious, so peaceful, so happy.

I was very surprised to see Iris during my first quest, but now that it’s over, this is a fun time.

I dealt with the assassin well, finished the quest, and things have settled down for now.

And I’ll keep working hard tomorrow, on another quest.

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