An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 29 – Making a decision

The Emeraude religion.

A religious organization centered around saintesses that worships the goddess of order Emeraude, and is the biggest in the western continent.

Its influence is felt in the whole continent, to the point where it’s the state religion of every country.

The Holy State of Roland is the headquarters of the Emeraude religion. And since ninety percent of politicians are affiliated with the Emeraude religion, the Holy State of Roland is the most influential voice in the continent.

If war broke out, it could get all surrounding countries on its side to fight for its cause, so there would be no way of beating them.

There’s also the fact that the Kingdom of Merzelia doesn’t have a just cause. From the point of view of the Holy State of Roland, Iris is a false saintess who tricked the country, so if they try to say they were just offering custody to a former saintess, they would say that by opposing the first prince after he sent a threatening letter, the queen would just be a villain harboring a false saintess.

To turn this around, we would need proof that what the first prince says is wrong, but that would be extremely hard to find.

Being the first prince means he can easily erase some wrongdoing. That’s how much power he holds.

“The final decision will be made by the queen, but we have to assume the worst case scenario.”

Isolte says while twisting her lips. It’s almost like she’s saying there’s nothing we can do.

“Does Iris know about this?”

“No, we haven’t told her yet.”

Says Till quietly.

“That is for the best now. If Miss Iris knew, there is a good chance she would turn herself in.”

Says Isolte.

They’re going to hold off on telling her until the queen makes her decision.

I go back to my room.

All of a sudden, a situation popped up that will change the fate of the country.

Surely there’s nothing a simple adventurer like me can do?

But just as I’m giving up, Iris comes in.

“Mister Loyd.”

“What is it Iris?”

“Do you want to go eat Merzelia pie again tomorrow? One last time before we go back to Minerva? It was very good, so I want to eat it again.”

“You’re such a glutton.”

Iris looks shocked by what I said so nonchalantly, and very displeased. She puffs out one cheek and crosses her arms.

“Forget it then! I don’t care about you Mister Loyd.”

It’s less like she’s really mad, and more like she’s sulking a little.

“Sorry sorry, I’m joking. Don’t be mad. We’ll have it one more time before going back.”

Iris’ mouth loosens into a smile.


“Yes, really really. And let’s have a flavor we didn’t try last time.”


She’s so expressive, that it’s hard to believe there was a time when she was unsociable.

She says it’s been a year since she was expelled, but it feels like she’s really grown in that time.

If she knew about the threatening letter, she might return to the way she was.

But we made plans for tomorrow, and after that, we just chat a little.

I look at the clock, and see it’s ten at night.

“It’s late today, so let’s just sleep to be ready tomorrow.”

Iris nods.

“Goodnight Mister Loyd. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

She says before she leaves.

Now that I’m alone, I start thinking back to what Isolte said.

It’s hard, and easy to dismiss, but it’s not like we have no options.

There’s a hole in Prince Ghise’s demand.

Since it’s feared that this centralized system will lead to the collapse of order, it’s a continental rule that the people of high rank and successors in the Holy State of Roland must be ‘saints’.

If there are any scandals involving them, they cannot be accepted as ‘saints’, and are removed from being successors.

Basically, if we find irrefutable evidence that Prince Ghise did something wrong, we can avoid war, and make him lose his position. And Iris’ honor will be restored.

But like I said at the start, this would be too difficult. There’s a huge risk it would fail.

Could someone who was laughed at for his low material picking rate do it?

That makes me think back to my past pathetic self.

Come to think of it… Why did I learn magic? My master asked me this, the same way I asked Iris.

And my answer was the same as Iris’.

‘To make the most important people to me, the ones closest to me, happy.’

I didn’t fulfill that promise. If anything, I did the opposite.

But if I can’t change the past, I’ll change the future.

Iris is a dear friend. I don’t want to see her cry.

And so, I reach a decision.

While everyone is sleeping, I sneak out of the mansion, and head to Ruby’s atelier.

I never wanted to come back here, but I have to in order to avoid a war with the Holy State of Roland, to protect Iris’ daily life, and my own slow life.

When I get there, I use my key to open the door. It’s a good thing she didn’t change the lock.

The atelier isn’t just Ruby’s workplace, it’s where we lived for a long time. And since it was also my home, I have a key too.

I completely forgot to give it back when I left.

My business isn’t with her, it’s with my workplace.

I go to the second floor, and into a big room with nine ‘transportation magic circles’.

These are called portals. They were originally a secret technique of dragon people, that my master deciphered, and passed on to me.

It’s really useful magic that can teleport someone to a faraway place by infusing them with magic energy.

And I’m using it to go meet Prince Ghise.

I get on a portal, put my hands on the floor, and make magic energy flow.

The magic circle shines, I stop seeing what’s in front of me, and feel like I just woke up.

I never get used to this.

I look around, and see the room around me is very different.

This is a detached house I used as a base. I had multiple houses like this to be able to pick materials more effectively.

Many of the materials Ruby wanted were in faraway lands, so I needed portals, even if I had to spend some money on them.

I think my picking rate would be even lower without them. But then again, she scheduled things with these in mind, so…

I check the town through a gap in the curtains.

All the rooftops are decorated with the religious symbol ‘quarte’, and a giant quarte is on the top of the Roland castle, the most conspicuous building around.

It looks like I successfully warped to the Magic State of Roland.

I’ve been here a few times, so I know the way to the castle. And since my time is limited, I can’t spend it being sentimental.

I use Perception Inhibition Magic, Soundproofing Magic, and Magic Energy Obstruction Magic.

“I’m not too confident about entering the enemy’s stronghold.”

I complain just a little, but I quickly shake my head and fire myself up.

Let’s change my way of thinking, just for now at least.

It’s not about what I can do, it’s about firing myself up to pick something no one else can pick.

I’m going to make this work, and go back to Minerva with Iris.

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