An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 30 – Final act of goodwill

To attack the Castle of Roland, the thing to watch out for the most are the barriers.

They’re stretched all over, and were made to prevent anyone from entering from anywhere except the normal route. And of course, that route is protected by soldiers.

If it’s like the Castle of Merzelia, they should be a master rank barriers.

Can a joke of a master rank like me get through barriers that were made to be impenetrable by an actual master rank?

I walk around the large garden, staying out of the sights of the soldiers, until my path is blocked by a pink barrier. I give it a go, and it looks like I might actually be able to do it.

And by overwriting the formula of the barrier, I manage to pass.

“Is the Castle of Roland not supplying it with a lot of magic energy?”

In any case, I feel relief as I keep moving, and enter the Castle of Roland.

First, the first floor of the main building.

It’s a stone hallway with a high ceiling. I’ve never been here, so it feels intricate enough to be called a maze.

Blindly looking for Ghise’s room would take a long time, but I visited Black Raven again before I came here, and got information about Ghise from her.

His bedroom is on the highest floor of the main building.

The first floor has multiple barriers too, but their formulas aren’t that complicated.

In fact, I feel like they’re really easy. To the point where I worry for the safety of this royal family.

This is really dangerous, if even I can get through them…

When I reach the third floor, the distribution of the guards changes a little.

There aren’t any soldiers patrolling, and instead, there are humanoid magic dolls, that attack the moment they see me.

That’s right, sneaking magic doesn’t work on them. Surely they thought to work a countermeasure into them.

I cast Full Grow, and intercept them.


I hit a magic doll, and it’s smashed into small pieces.

They keep coming, but I take them all out in one punch.

Full Grow really is the best. Safe and secure power.

These magic dolls cost a thousand gold coins a piece, so they must have paid a lot for thirty of them.

Royalty sure is loaded.

When I get to the fourth floor, I don’t sense magic dolls anymore. Instead, there’s a robe-clad mage waiting in the center of the corridor.

This mage is also wearing a completely white mask. Scary.

What’s with this person… They look strong.

I don’t really want to deal with this, but it seems I’m already in their sights, and they’re ready to fight.

The mage casts earth, wind, fire, and ice magic one after the other. The whole hall is covered with magic.

T-this is a highest rank! Maybe master!

I felt external magic energy being controlled for a moment too. Being able to do that is proof enough that someone is highest rank.

But I don’t feel like backing down after coming this far. I don’t care if it’s a highest rank or what, anyone in my way is going down!!

I analyze that magic, and cancel it with the exact same type of magic.


The mage is surprised to see the magic being canceled, and freezes.

And I don’t miss that chance.

I take off running at full speed, with explosions going off beneath my feet, and clear the twenty meter distance in an instant. And a punch to the mage’s face gives me the victory.

“Ahh… I managed to do it.”

I pick up the mage’s mask, and take a deep breath.

This is where it really starts. I’m still feeling that victory, but I need to hurry and meet Ghise.

There are six more strong types on this floor, all wearing white masks, placed in every corridor. But I beat them all.

I’m digressing, but none of them are in mortal danger. I make sure to not overdo it when I hit them.

And finally, I see Ghise.

Being the first prince means he has a showy, extravagant room.

Ghise is sleeping in a bed with a canopy, and he matches Black Raven’s description. A man with the airs of a noble and short, reddish brown hair.

I poke Ghise’s forehead with my staff, and he wakes up, before sitting up with sleepy eyes.

He notices I’m here and freezes. Then he lets out a small scream and falls off the bed.

He gets up, takes some distance, and glares at me.

“W-who are you!? You’re not one of my guardians!”

Oh? That’s odd. He saw through me even though I’m wearing a white mask.

And apparently these people are called guardians.

“Let’s just say I’m a neighbor that wishes for you to stay at peace.”

I say with a mixture of a joking tone.

“Screw you! Dammit, is this the second prince’s doing!? The third!? Who sent you!?”

So he’s assuming the other princes sent me, and not that I came from outside the country.

Is there a struggle for the right to succeed the current king going on behind the scenes? The world of royalty is scary.

“Unfortunately, neither. I came here completely out of my own will.

I have decided that your behavior isn’t fitting of the first prince, so I came here to erase you.”

I say the last part with a threatening tone. In any negotiation, it’s important to have the upper hand.

And then his face turns pale.

“W-wait! Why do you want to kill me!?”

“You know better than anyone else, don’t you? Search through conscience.”

“Kuh! Is it about Black Raven!?”

So he’s the type that blurts out his crimes.

I wanted him to talk about Iris, but oh well. Let’s make him talk and connect himself to someone wanted internationally.

“But that wasn’t me, that was Bishop Crail! Look at this! It’s Bishop Crail’s signature! He acted on his own and hired someone who was wanted by several countries! I didn’t do anything wrong!!”

Ghise shows me evidence that was likely used when they were making a deal with Black Raven.

It doesn’t show Ghise’s name, it shows Bishop Crail’s.

But I shake my head.

“You think a cliché lie like that is going to fool me? I heard it from Black Raven.

You’re the one behind the plot to erase the former saintess.”

“…!!? T-that bastard ratted me out!”

Prince Ghise rages at Black Raven, who isn’t here.

“How are you going to explain that? Black Raven left a lot of evidence that incriminates you.

For example, this. It says plenty about how you were involved in plotting to assassinate the former saintess.

You’re not trying to preserve tradition, it’s just a personal grudge!”

I show Ghise documents.

“I already know that Bishop Crail was acting under your orders. Are you going to try to talk yourself out of this?”

By the way, all these documents are fake. I’m just saying what I heard from Black Raven while showing off random documents.

But he can’t think straight right now, so all he sees is me holding evidence.

“N-no! I’m a victim! I didn’t do anything wrong! I had nothing to do with it!”

Ghise is really panicking now, and his excuses are getting longer.

These excuses are really annoying me. Every time he opens his mouth, he blames a third party.

The way he defends himself really shows his character. I really can’t stand this disgusting attitude.

“How did you even break through the barriers of the Castle of Roland!? And what happened to the guardians on the fourth floor!?”

He’s going nuts, and now he’s arguing about me.

“I dispelled the barrier in a second, and beat up all the guardians.”

I say with a punching pose.

“Y-you’re lying! I won’t accept that! You’re definitely lying!”

“It’s up to you whether or not you believe me, but your wailing isn’t going to change the fact that I’m here.

You look like you’re still sleepy, so how about I smack you awake?”


Ghise is shaken by what I say, and takes a step back.

After an even louder scream, he sits back on the floor. He’s so scared, that he wets himself in front of me. Just how shocked is he?

“W-wait! What do you want? I can give you anything! Just spare me!”

Now it feels like I’ll be able to convince him.

My master always said that overwhelming strength solves everything, and the fact that I just happened to beat those guardians actually ends up showing to Ghise that I have overwhelming strength.

It’s a good opportunity, and I can’t let this advantage get away, so I keep going.

“I only have one demand. Never get involved with Iris again.”

“W-what!? Iris!?”

He changes a little when he hears Iris’ name. He looks defiant.

“Anything but that! I need Iris!”

“Then don’t send assassins after her. Nothing you’re saying makes sense.”

He can’t talk back to my valid argument, and stammers.

“Guh!? I-I really do need her! And Iris should want to come back too!”

“Don’t decide that all on your own. Iris has completely forgotten about you, and she’s living freely.

You people found a new saintess too, so you can let Iris go.”

“Is a complete stranger going to lecture the crown prince from a high horse!? Who are you to Iris anyway!?”

“I have no obligation to tell you that.”

“Damn you, I’m the first prince!”

I let out a small sigh.

“I’m Iris’ friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Satisfied?”

I tell him about our relationship. There’s no point in lying about that.

But it looks like that answer doesn’t sit right with Ghise, and he gets angry.

“Ah!? Friend!!? Don’t give me that! You came all the way here because of such a shallow relationship!? You’re wrong!”

“That’s just you making assumptions. There’s nothing wrong with doing things for your friends.”

“Shut up! I’m Iris’ official fiancee! What right does a mere friend have to lecture me!? And surely she’d be happier with the first prince than with some random guy!”

He’s really saying all he wants now, but I’ll give him the first part.

Being the first prince gives him the advantage.

The duties towards a country are an absolute. Even someone like me, who’s not related to politics at all, can see that.

But my emotions definitely won’t accept your words as correct.

There’s no way, especially the last part.

“She’d be happy with you?”

I slowly approach a wall, and put all my emotions into punching it.

There’s a sound that feels like the world is exploding, and the Castle of Roland shakes with a violent tremor.

The wall I punched is left with a big hole, revealing the corridor.

I take a deep breath, holding back my anger with my sense of reasoning. I try to get my thoughts back to normal, but I don’t think I can right now.

I slowly turn around to Ghise, and his face looks even more pale.

I wonder what my face looks like right now? I can’t tell.

“You have no right to say that. Never talk about Iris’ happiness again, after you destroyed it.”

That’s enough to shut him up.

Then things move smoothly. He does what I say, and promises never to get involved with Iris again.

And to stop trying to start a war with the Kingdom of Merzelia.

And since I can’t trust a verbal promise, I get it in writing, with his signature and blood.

Blood contracts are usually reserved for slavery contracts, but it can be done for these documents too.

If Ghise breaks this promise, a curse will kill him.

“I-is that all right?”

“Hm… Well, it’s fine.”

My demands are simple. Don’t get involved with Iris again.

If he can hold his end of the bargain, I won’t complain.

I wanted to strip him of his right to succeed the throne too, but if I did that, it might cause other kinds of trouble.

In any case, that secures Iris’ safety, so all’s well that ends well.

And so, I leave the Castle of Roland and go back to my base, and use the portal to return to Ruby’s atelier.

I check the clock above a table, and see it’s five in the morning.

It’s still dark outside, but I see a young boy delivering newspapers through a gap in the curtains. Some of the townspeople are starting their day.

Ghise’s apology should reach the queen tonight.

I instructed him to send it to correct the threatening letter.

A regular gardo should take three days to get from The Castle of Roland to the Castle of Merzelia, but royalty use super fast gardo that can make that in half a day.

I turn to the nine portals, and since I’m not using them again, seal them.

Portals are normally very precious things.

Making dragon vein ink is very difficult, so even when you put exclusive mages of all eras together, it’s only been done once.

These nine portals were made from that precious one time.

I really didn’t want to seal what was basically our magnum opus, but I have to.

After I’m done, I feel safe knowing no one can misuse them.

Only me and my master know this secret technique of dragon people for now. But who knows if there aren’t others I don’t know about. And who knows what they would use it for.

Using portals for evil is a very dangerous idea, so I always watched out for it, even though I bought homes.

And after I left the atelier, I stopped being able to do the periodical checks I did before. That means they were completely exposed, so I had to seal them.

Ruby is still important to me too, despite us being over.

Sealing the portals so she doesn’t get hurt is like a final act of good faith.

Then I close the curtains, and leave the room.

I go down the stairs, but when I’m about to open the door and leave, I hear a cold voice behind me.

I silently turn around, and see my ex-girlfriend, Ruby.

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