An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 31 – Meeting again

The atelier is now pretty bright thanks to the morning sun, and Ruby’s vibrant red hair stands out in the middle of it, shining like a jewel.

I haven’t seen her in two months, but neither of us look surprised, and neither of us really knows what the other is thinking.

The exception in all this is her navy blue coat, that makes vivid memories cross through my mind when my eyes fall on it.

“You’re back. I knew things wouldn’t work out for you.”

She’s the first one to speak.

Idealized memories are crossing through my mind, but Ruby acting like this quickly brings me down to reality.

I shake my head a little, clear away those memories, and frown at Ruby after she spoke like she’s looking down on me.

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what it sounded like. Blockhead trash like you was never going to make it, even if you left.”

“Don’t just assume. I’m doing well.”

I glare at her, because her arrogant attitude is annoying me, but that haughty attitude is nothing new, so it doesn’t really make me mad.

Not to mention that it would be a waste of time, because our relationship is already over.

“Then why are you here?”

She asks.

“I forgot something on the second floor. But I’m done here, so I was about to leave.”

I don’t mention Ghise, and pretend I just forgot something.

And Ruby snorts, not seeming very interested anyway.

“Hmph, is that so? Fine then, don’t come back.

It would just be a pain if Crowley knew you were here.”


I’ve never heard that name.

“I finally found a new exclusive mage. An excellent mage, and number one in the mage association.”

So she couldn’t find one until now?

Well, I can see it being hard to find an exclusive mage that can match Ruby.

If this mage is the number one in the mage association, I’m sure she’ll be fine.

“That’s nice. I think that mage suits you.”

“Yes, unlike an incompetent mage like you.”

That was uncalled for. The way she annoys me every time she opens her mouth is practically a skill at this point.

Leaving that aside, hearing the words incompetent mage reminds me of what happened with the knights.

And since the person at the center of that is right in front of me, there’s no better time to ask.

I take my wallet out of my Item Box, and hand it to Ruby.

“This is payment for a request. People are treating me like a terrible guy that left the atelier without saying anything, but correcting everyone one at a time would be too much, so do that for me.

I’m starting a new life and trying my best, and I don’t want this bad reputation getting in the way of it.”

Asking Ruby sounds like the most effective way to do it.

Also, what I just gave her is all the money I made working as her exclusive mage. I made it through Ruby’s talents, so I’m basically just giving it back.

I want a fresh start, and the money from my days as an exclusive mage was making my resolve waver anyway.

“How cheeky for someone like you, Loyd. But fine, I accept.”

She accepts. I figured she’d argue more.

“I managed to take a new step forward thanks to you leaving.”

This acquaintance yet stranger relationship is probably for the best. I don’t have to be annoyed, and I can simply congratulate her if she does well. And it makes me want to do my best too.

Before I leave the atelier, I get a look at what’s being asked from this new exclusive mage Crowley, and none of the materials seem that hard to get.

Ah, but Fleur de Einsel will probably take time without the portals.

I didn’t even think about my successor when I sealed them, so will that be a problem…

I’m sure it will be fine. It’s the number one mage in the association after all.

In fact, if they don’t make it work, it will make me question why she lashed out at me all that time.


I say as I give her my key.

We’re both satisfied with us parting ways.

A lot happened, but I’m glad to be saying goodbye amicably.

It’s early in the morning, so the wind feels nice and cool.

I gradually forget about Crowley, and go back to the mansion while enjoying the morning scenery.

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