An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 39 – C rank promotion test

Strange things have been happening around me lately.

Sometimes when I greet other adventurers, they scream and fall back.

When I’m walking through a crowd of people, it parts and a path opens for me when they notice I’m there.

What’s going on? I don’t remember doing anything to distance myself from them.

“I feel like people have been distancing themselves from me lately. Do you know what’s going on, Mars?”

There’s a tavern in the adventurer guild where we can eat, and Mars just happens to be eating here.

He’s having a thick orc steak, and I order the same.

“It’s probably because of the orc general incident.”

“Orc general?”

“In the Great Vidd Forest. You beat it with Explosion, didn’t you?”

“Ah, I remember. That big orc. What about it?”

He’s talking about the big orc I beat a couple of weeks ago.

It wasn’t a big deal, it just made a big impact because it was so large.

“Beating an orc general is incredible. People fear your power because you beat a monster like that like it was nothing.”

“You’re kidding? It was just a big pig.”

Orcs are a type of pig, so their tonkatsu is really tasty.

That’s how I see them, and there’s not much else to say about them.

Their movements are simple, and their intelligence low. I think it would actually be a challenge to lose to them…

“You’re the first person I’ve ever known who treats orc generals like simple pigs. You really are incredible.”

“Let’s leave all that about me being incredible aside. Is it really that bad to beat an orc general?”

“There were a lot of adventurers there. Everyone saw you take down that orc general by yourself.”

I beat an orc general by myself…

H-hold on…!

Let me ask, just to be sure.

“Are orc general materials super high quality or something?”

“Yes, super high quality. They’re more valuable than even a wyvern’s. You could buy a house if you sold them all.”

The ace detective Loyd has cracked the case. Do people see me as a dangerous guy that swipes prey?

Demons are like that too, but hunters in general are very peculiar about their prey.

But what was I supposed to do? I couldn’t leave it be when it was rushing towards me.

“But my life was on the line there. They can’t resent me over something so small.”


Well, I understand how you feel, but we talked about it at the start, right? A master rank is always going to attract attention.

And there’s the stuff with Iris too. You captured a wanted assassin, and helped purify the Deep Remote Great Tomb.

I think all the small things you’ve done are being connected, and helping in people acknowledging you. Every adventurer in Minerva will know about the master rank mage called Loyd.”

This is the worst.

I don’t have a strong hangup about the master rank or anything, but if bad rumors start circulating this much, it starts to sting.

Loyd, the worst master rank in history, who stole prey. I’m sure that’s what Mars is warning me about.

“Maybe it’s too late, but should I lay low?”

“I think it is too late. Everyone knows how wonderful you are. You should just accept it.”

Mars says with a smile.

Wonderful is a weird way to be considerate about my feelings, but okay.

I guess I’d be angry if he gave it to me straight and said I was bad news.

“How should I make up with everyone?”

“Hum, wouldn’t they be happy if you gave them some pointers about magic?

You use a lot of rare spells, so I think that could be a good way to start talking.

People are most wary of things they don’t know, so if they get to know you, it might change how they see you.”

“You’re absolutely right, Mars. But pointers on magic…”

I’m in no position to take in pupils, and if a D rank starts teaching them like he’s some sort of big shot, it might make things worse.

Magic is pretty secretive anyway, so it’s crucial to build a pupil and master relationship.

If someone starts teaching magic casually, other mages won’t like it.

‘That’s the D rank weakling that’s teaching magic like he’s a big deal. So creepy.’

‘He was super useless in his previous job, and now that he’s an adventurer, he’s going around acting like he knows everything. I’m gonna beat him up.’

Is definitely how they would react.

I don’t want them to hate me even more. I want to be the character that’s loved in his slow life.

“It’s a difficult issue. Let me think about it for a few days.

I think I’ll have it figured out in a few days when it’s time for your rank C promotion, so let’s talk again then.”

“Thanks a lot. You’re a real friend.”

Then my orc steak arrives, so I let Mars think about that.

◇ ◇ ◇

Today, I also put in my application to the combined C rank promotion test.

I can do it because I’ve been doing a lot of D rank quests.

“The C rank promotion test is mostly about a hunting quest.

This one will be about hunting ten skull warriors in the Kokkoro Mine.”

“Skull warriors? Is that a C rank quest? I thought it was D.”

“It makes sense for you to feel that way, but don’t get careless. They are pretty strong.”


“Despite being called a promotion test, it’s basically just a normal quest.

It’s like you’re accepting a C rank quest.”

A receptionist lady with white hair and animal ears is explaining things to me.

She’s the same nice receptionist that handled my registration.

“You can tackle the quest with a party. And prioritize your safety.”

“So I can bring friends?”

That’s unexpected. I thought for sure I’d have to do it on my own.

“It’s actually stranger to work alone like you do.”

That’s a critical hit.

When adventuring solo, I don’t have to worry about anyone but me, but I want to have fun adventuring with others too.

I feel ambivalent like that, so I’ve been going with the former.

I’m not the best at talking with people. It still makes me a little nervous to talk to strangers.

That said, I am better than I used to be. I’ll start being more proactive in joining parties once I get to C rank.

“But a knight will come here the day of the test to watch over it, so we will need you to report it before the test.”

So there will be a knight watching over. I can’t let my guard down.

“I see. Is this knight going to dig into everything I do in the mine to score me?”

“Ah, you get zero points for that. Your senses as a mage are great, but your puns aren’t as good as you ‘imageine’.”

She says with an awkward smile.

“How much does the knight give instructions during the quest?”

“It’s mostly just about judging the examinee’s. But make sure you answer their questions properly.

If your answers are too awful, they might fail you even if you complete the quest.”

Do you have the knowledge of a C rank? Do you have the fighting power of a C rank?

These are the two most important points. I don’t think they value character at all.

I guess they value skill and strength more, since a lot of adventurers are weird people anyway.

I’m glad they do. If it was about character, I’d fail for sure.

“The examiner also goes to dangerous lands, so if they decide it’s too dangerous, they could stop it.

But since it’s a C rank quest, it’s always going to be more dangerous than regular quests. Make sure you listen to the knight’s explanation.”

“Got it. Thank you for the nice explanation.”

“No problem, it’s my job as a receptionist.”

She says with a nice smile.

Then I set a date for the test, and leave the guild.

◇ ◇ ◇

The day of the test, I go to the adventurer guild, and meet someone I wasn’t expecting.

Sephilia is standing by the entrance.

She’s one of Iris’ attendants, and a refined maid.

Her silver hair that reaches her shoulders and is tied with a black hairband stands out, and that along with her cute and frilly maid outfit is very unfitting of the adventurer guild that’s full of ruffians.

I’m called by the same receptionist who spoke to me yesterday, and she tells me Sephilia will be performing the test.

“It is an honor to make your acquaintance. My name is Sephilia, and I will be serving as your examiner today.”

She’s greeting me like we’re meeting for the first time. We’ve spoken a few times when I was with Iris…

“I’m jealous. He gets a beautiful girl like that to be his examiner!”

“Are those D cups? But that’s a C rank promotion test, isn’t it!?”

“There really is more to the mage known as Loyd, if the Swordmaster herself will be performing his test.”

People’s eyes are all on Sephilia.

I see, I get what she’s doing.

As you can see, Sephilia is popular, so if they knew we know each other, they’d suspect something fishy was going on.

Sephilia thinks of everything.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Loyd. Thank you for having me.”

I also greet her. We’re on the same page.

We get on a wagon and head to the Minerva mountain range, and I thank her for what she just did.

“Thank you for putting on that little show for my sake, Sephilia.”

“Eh? What show…”

She looks confused.


“…Ah, you’re the friend. Thank you for always looking after the lady.”

Hey, did she actually just forget me!?

I guess it’s good that she remembered it now, but it’s still a shock to me.

No, get it together.

“Why are you here?”

“I am a bother in the feudal lord’s mansion, so sometimes I help out as a knight.”

That’s right, she’s a holy knight. And according to Iris, she’s a great one with the nickname of Swordmaster.

“I see. So the guildmaster asked you to perform this test?”

“Yes. I have never done it before, so I might cause a little trouble, but thank you for having me, friend.”

She’s such a polite person.

“No, thank you. It makes me feel a little better knowing you’re the examiner. I’d feel a little awkward with a complete stranger.”

Sephilia nods.

I’m guessing she’s also the type to get nervous with people she doesn’t know, and is relieved to see it’s me.

“By the way, I have a question. What should an examiner do exactly?”


I wasn’t expecting that question. Did the guild not tell her!?

W-well, this is a first for her too. Of course there are things she doesn’t quite get.

The receptionist told me to answer the examiner’s questions properly, so I’ll see this as part of the test.

“Hum, I think you’re supposed to see if there are any irregularities.

This is a promotion test, so did they give you something like a check sheet?”

“Valuation categories… This?”

Sephilia takes a document from her pouch.

“Yes, that. I can’t check it, because I’m the one being tested, so grade it according to how I do.”

“I see. You’re very knowledgeable. I am very proud to be present for your quest as an examiner.”


If there’s anything you don’t understand, ask me.”

“Thank you, I will do so right away. What does it mean exactly to be an adventurer who is not strong enough for C rank?”

“Hum, I guess not being strong enough to beat skull warriors.”

Why am I explaining the test to the examiner?

I’m getting concerned. Sephilia is a good person, but I get the impression from seeing her work as a maid that she can be an airhead.

“Whether or not you can beat skull warriors? I see I see. I think I more or less understand the criteria for being a C rank adventurer.

Basically, if you can beat skull warriors you pass, and if you can’t, you don’t?”

“I think that sounds about right!”

“I think I can do this, thanks to you. Thank you very much.”

She says with a triumphant expression.

I’m just glad she’s feeling a bit more confident.

We keep chatting as we travel, but come to think of it, I’ve never heard anything about her personal life.

And so, I try asking what she does on her days off.

She says she plays with animals.

She really likes fluffy animals, so we’re on the same page there.

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