An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 50 – The Luminous farm after its revival

Three days after milk starts being delivered again, I go back to the Luminous farm.

Today I’m not here to work, I’m here because Sephilia really wants to see the farm.

Speaking of Sephilia, she’s not wearing a maid uniform. She’s wearing a light green kimono with a long black skirt.

It might seem like a simple outfit, but it’s new to me, and makes her seem like a whole new person.

“Friend, thank you very much for heeding my request.”

She says before beautifully bowing.

“It’s my pleasure, and the least I can do.”

It’s the perfect opportunity to repay her for all she does.

There’s a nice gate in front with a small sign.

This place is pretty big, with the main building and pens in the center.

All signs of that meteorite falling are gone by now, and animals like horses are pasturing.

“That is a nice building. Where were you stationed, friend?”

“I did part of the main building. I helped with that window on the second floor too.”

“No wonder there seems to be a divine red light shining there and there alone.”

It reminds me of that story about the current queen emitting a golden light at birth, and surprising a lot of people.

I’m sure that was supposed to be a compliment and a reference to that legend, but the idea of red light coming from a building just makes me think it’s on fire.

After confirming Sephilia’s somewhat airheadedness once again, we head to the ‘rabbit house’ where we can pet rabbits.

Sephilia, like me, likes fluffy animals, so I’m sure she’ll like it.

This farm has about fifty rabbits, ranging from the classic white rabbits to many black rabbits.

Sephilia is so moved, that it feels like she has stars in her eyes. She doesn’t waste time holding a rabbit and gently petting it.

“The fluffy feeling and fluffy elasticity are just the best.”

She sounds very happy. These rabbits hold a lot of power, to be able to turn her usual blank expression into this.

But it sounds like the small animals like Sephilia as much as she likes them, because she ends up surrounded by thirty of them.

It’s really nice seeing her play around too, like when she puts a rabbit on her head.

Well then, let me pet them too. I want to pet them a lot.

I try to feed one a piece of carrot, and it bites my finger instead.


We stay in the rabbit house for an hour, and then head to where the meteorite fell.

There we see the big meteorite on a pedestal like it’s an exhibit.

It might be surprising, but they didn’t remove it, and instead appropriated it as another thing to see on the farm.

A lot of people are actually gathered around it. It really is a good display of the human spirit to turn everything into profit.

It also looks like the Luminous farm is getting back on track smoothly. I can see it bringing in even more people half a year from now.

“I heard about it, but it really is a big meteorite.”

Says Sephilia while looking at it.

“I feel like you could slice it in half.”

I say while looking at the sword dangling from her waist. Of course, I’m just joking.

“Friend, even I cannot cut a meteorite.”

She responds with a straight face.

Yes, it wouldn’t be easy… Well, it’s not like meteorites drop every day, so it’s not really something I need to care about.

A few seconds later, Sephilia speaks again.

“But it would be different if you were behind me.”

“Eh? What do you…?”

Sephilia doesn’t respond, and turns to the meteorite again.

Looking at her face in profile, it really feels like that of a knight. Sephilia really is cool.

We spend the whole day walking around the farm, and stay the night in the main building.

Dinner is a special farm pot-au-feu. The soup is lightly seasoned, and with the sweetness of the potatoes, it’s really good.

After dinner, we go to sleep in the same room after ten.

The next morning, I think it’s strange that Sephilia isn’t in the room, but then I hear the sound of her doing practice swings.

I look outside, and see her training with a wooden sword.

I don’t want to bother her, but I walk over to her out of curiosity.

She bows as always when she notices me.

“Good morning, friend.”

“Good morning, Sephilia. Training so early?”

“Yes, I am used to it.”

Says Sephilia with a very natural tone.

“Does that mean you do this practically every day!? That’s incredible!”

Saying is one thing, but actually doing it is another. Continuing every day is pretty tough.

Even someone as talented as Sephilia doesn’t neglect hard work…

I could learn from that.

Then I watch her train while we talk, and look back at what happened yesterday.

Suffice to say, her favorite part was the rabbit house. Maybe we could stop by there one more time before going back.

But then, something strange happens all of a sudden.

In the middle of her training, she starts coughing, and I run to her because it surprises me.

“A-are you all right?”

“I’m sorry, it seems ever since I caught a cold, I have been prone to not feeling well.”

That was a month ago. I asked her to deal with the demon king just before the urgent quest, and she fell ill from being in the bath for too long.

She was in bed for a week after that. Incidentally, it was Till who dealt with the demon king in the meantime.

I only heard about it after the quest was over.

I was really surprised when I went back in a hurry and Sephilia suddenly apologized…

“You shouldn’t push yourself too much. You’ll worry Iris too.”

It’s almost summer, but it’s still chilly in the morning. That might be what’s making her feel worse.

Sephilia is a serious girl, but she doesn’t really manage her health. And getting sick on a day off is especially bad, so I softly try to get her to stop.


“Should we go back to the room? I’ll take the sword.”

Sephilia nods and hands me the wooden sword, before we go back together.

“Friend, thank you very much for yesterday. I had a really good time, and felt almost as if I was a child again.”

Sephilia thanks me again.

“I had fun going around the farm with you too. How about we go somewhere else next time?”

“Of course, I was thinking the same thing.”

Sephilia happily accepts.

All right, I’m going to invite her again sometime. I want to keep deepening our friendship.

After we get on the wagon to go back, we reach Minerva two hours later, around the time when the sun is setting.

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