An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Chapter 51 – Iris’ schedule

It’s finally beach season.

A month ago, I made a promise with Iris to go to the Kaleid beach. This is the perfect chance to see her in a swimsuit, so this plan can’t fail. I’ve left my schedule open for a whole week just so we can go to the beach three days from now.

That way, if Iris can’t go three days from now, we can just switch to four or five days from now.

I like to call this a three stage attack.

The issue with this plan is the other person might think I’m crazy for wanting to go to the beach so badly, but unless something major happens, I’m going there with Iris.

I’m not a mage that follows his instincts, I’m a resourceful mage.

Now let’s go and invite her.

I go to Isolte’s mansion, and I’m greeted by Sephilia, not the usual butler.

She follows Merzelia etiquette by lifting the hem of her skirt and bowing gracefully. It’s all very elegant and refined, and that simple action shows just how diligent she is.

Speaking of which, I’ve come to learn recently that Sephilia is also fond of studying, not just military arts.

For example, that whole goblin and dragon theory was something she referenced out of Roland folklore.

As for its background, it was a hundred fifty years ago. An evil prime minister had gotten control of the dynasty, and in order to test the loyalty of his subjects, he brought a goblin with him and asked if it was a dragon.

His subjects responded that indeed, it was a dragon, which started the whole goblin dragon theory.

Carrying out unreasonable things by force.

This was the original meaning of the goblin dragon theory, but there’s also the other meaning that Sephilia mentioned. How which you decide to take down first shows your character. Words change meaning with the passage of time like that.

*Reference material, chronicle publications, Roland records.

But getting back to Iris.

“Good morning, friend. What brings you here today?”

“I want to speak to Iris. Can you tell her I’m here?”

“Very well. Please wait here.”

Sephilia trots back inside, and comes back five minutes later.

“My lady has given permission. Please follow me.”

“Understood, thank you.”

We go up to the second floor, and I’m taken to Iris’ room.

I go in after knocking a few times, and see Iris is having tea.

There’s a high class looking table, and on it one of those fancy three tier cake stands you usually see nobles use.

She’s using white tableware to eat a tasty looking chocolate cake. And she’s holding a mug with a rose relief carved into it with her perfectly unblemished hand.

Her attendant Till is silently standing next to her. This whole sight is like a part of a beautiful painting brought to life.

“Hi Iris. Are you free?”

“All fwee.”

Well, that’s reality.

A couple of words from Iris make me feel like I can hear this holy picturesque sight collapsing.

I don’t know if she likes it or what, but very rarely, she speaks like that.

I feel like she does that when she’s in a good mood, so I’m thinking this is the perfect time to invite her.

I’m taken to a seat by Sephilia, and before I sit down, I give Iris a little something. It’s a box of donuts from a popular sweets shop.

I feel like I’m putting sweets on top of sweets, since she’s eating cake, but I can’t see that being a problem.

Sure enough, she’s happy when she sees what’s inside.

I sit with her, and Till pours me black tea. It has a refreshing citrus aroma, and it’s tasty.

There’s a folded newspaper on the table, and I see a headline on the left edge that catches my attention.


“Be gone.”

There was general uproar over her majesty’s words.

Even the generous queen was brought to tears by Lord Alchemia’s surprising two-faced nature.


I can’t see the details from just this glance, but is that about Ruby?

Well, it’s probably just random gossip blown up into something big.

The impact is more important than what’s actually there. Still, I knew Ruby was famous, but it’s impressive that she’s in an article with the queen…

But my relationship with her is over. I’m purposefully not touching that article, and instead ask Iris what she usually reads in the newspaper.

“Every morning I get caught up with the economy, international events, and what famous adventurers have been up to.”

She says with a smug expression, and I can practically see shining stars in her eyes.

“And she is particularly interested in the ‘Meru-chan’ four panel comic.”

“Ah, Till…!?”

Iris rushes to try to stop her, but she’s too late.

Meru-chan is a four panel manga serialized in this newspaper.

It’s a slice of life comedy where she eats, goes to school, and stuff like that. Maybe it’s just me, but I get the feeling that the people it’s made for aren’t the sort of people who typically read newspapers.

Iris’ awkward expression tells me she was putting on airs, and doesn’t actually read anything.

Not that I’m one to talk, because I only read newspapers sometimes when I feel like it.

“So what brings you here today?”

“Remember how we talked about going to the beach? How about we all go there in the next holiday?”

I deploy my trump card ‘we talked about this before’ before inviting her.

“Three days from now?”

“Yes. Are you free?”

“I will be in the church for two hours in the morning, but I am free after that. I’m all onboard if you are the one inviting me.”

Oh, right, she’s a priest. I got careless there.

I’m assuming worship is necessary for religious reasons, but in any case, I can rest easy because she said yes, and I pull a little triumphant pose where she can’t see.

But just as we’re about to start planning, Till interjects.

“Lady, there is one problem. That is the day of the holy war with the demon king.”

She says, sounding like a secretary while opening her notebook.

“Oh? Isn’t it Isolte’s turn?”

I ask.

“She had urgent business, so it was changed this morning.”

Says Till.

“I’m sorry Till, but if you are my attendant, would you please adhere to the principles of reporting, contacting, and consulting?”

“We spoke of this during breakfast, but you were not listening because you were reading Meru-chan…”

“Those three things don’t really matter when it’s Iris on the listening side.”

“How awful Mister Loyd. I know it’s my fault for not listening, but still…”

Iris sounds remorseful, and looks a little troubled after hearing the holy war falls on that day.

She peeks over at me, and I tell her it’s fine to postpone it within a week or so.

She smiles brightly, and cheerfully proposes alternatives to Till.

“What about the day after that?”

“That is Mister Loyd’s holy war day.”

“After that?”

“You will attend a banquet, so you should prioritize that.”

“Mu… And after that?”

“That is when the week-long preparations for the harvest festival will begin. You will be participating in the role of miko, so you need to attend meetings, rehearsals, and memorize a lot of things. I doubt you will have time to go to the beach.”

“Uhe… Y-yes! How about I cancel that at the last minute?”

Iris proposes while raising a finger, with a smile on her face that implies she thinks this is a brilliant idea.

“I’ll hit you.”

Till’s real voice leaks for a moment.

Till always speaks with a polite tone to me, but she speaks with a pretty relaxed tone to everyone else. It’s especially noticeable when she talks to Sephilia.

I was pretty surprised when I realized she’s fluent in casual speech.

“I-I’m joking. Strange… Why is my schedule so packed?”

This is the saintess that proclaimed she wouldn’t work for a hundred years, but now her schedule is packed to the point of troubling her.

“I can only say it is your fault. You accept everyone’s requests without thinking. Look at this schedule.”

Till shows her the schedule, and Iris is shocked.

“W-what is with this crazy schedule? Do I have to do all this!?”

From what I can see, it’s packed all the way from tomorrow until the beach season ends.

It’s about a month.

Apparently Iris is the type that has trouble saying no.

“Uu… I’m getting dizzy. It reminds me of my schedule in Roland.”

Iris grabs her head, and Sephilia throws her a bone.

“Then how about I do the holy war on your behalf?”

“Really Sephilia!? You are a magnificent attendant!”

Says Iris with her hands in the air and a big smile on her face.

“Sephilia, no. It won’t do her good to keep pampering her. She won’t become a proper adult.”

Says Till plainly. She sounds like her mom.

“But head maid, her friend is inviting her to the beach. I feel sorry for the lady if she is unable to go.”

“Yes Till. Have you no heart to accept the good will of others?”

That’s quite the self-important tone to take when it’s your own fault.

The usually understanding saintess is in full on brat mode towards Till.

“It is an attendant’s job to admonish her lady and put her on the right path, my dear Iris.”


Iris is puffing her cheeks like a squirrel full of food.

“And Sephilia, your schedule is packed as well, and you haven’t been resting properly.”

Says Till while turning her head back to Sephilia.

Her main job is to be Iris’ maid, but there’s also the holy war, and she does requests for Isolte.

She’s been going to the chivalric order pretty often lately too, to train the knights in swordsmanship. Come to think of it, she sounds pretty busy too.

“In my case, it’s all like a hobby, so it’s pretty much like taking a break.”

Yeah, some people see work as a hobby. I guess Sephilia is that type of person. Actually, I might be too.

I feel the most fulfilled when I’m doing quests, except when the deadline is coming up.

“Working is a hobby… You’re so strange.

But that exhaustion might be the cause of your poor physical condition. Do you even know what the current schedule of the holy war is like?”

Till turns the pages, and shows us the schedule.


Today – Loyd

First day after – Sephilia

Second – Sephilia

Third – Iris and Till

Fourth – Loyd

Fifth – Sephilia

Sixth – Sephilia

Seventh – Sephilia

Eighth – Loyd

Ninth – Isolte

Tenth – Sephilia

Eleventh – Sephilia

Twelfth – Sephilia *Miss Isolte is supposed to approach the friend on this day about a quest

Thirteenth – Sephilia

Fourteenth – Sephilia



I let out that sound without thinking. Sephilia’s work rate is too high.

I’m thinking Iris and Isolte being so busy is having an effect on Sephilia.

I typically go there once every four days, but this is what the schedule looks like?

The schedule for the twelfth day was put together almost as if it was agreed upon after the fact. And what quest does Isolte want to talk to me about anyway…

“H-hum, sorry… Should I take a few of those?”

I ask while bowing to Sephilia.

I had no idea that the holy war rotation had been broken to this degree. It didn’t even last a couple of months. Maybe it’s not doable with four people.

We’re going to have to recruit a lot of volunteers.

“That is very kind of you, but I accepted it voluntarily, so it only makes sense that I do it.”

Sephilia is so mature. She wants to fulfill the responsibility she accepted.

Very different from a certain someone who wanted to suddenly cancel a commitment, with a smile on her face.

But I get why Till is worried about this schedule. She doesn’t want to burden Sephilia even more.

It really hits me that Till is more concerned about her subordinate, than with scoring points with her master.

It’s so moving.

But leaving that aside, I really want to go to the beach with Iris, and that’s not happening unless something’s done about her schedule.

“Can I take over a day of the holy war?”

My proposal is that Sephilia takes over for the third day, and I do the request on the fifth.

That means I’d do their request, but Sephilia would still work just as many days, so it complies with what she was saying.

She ponders it for a bit, and accepts it, saying it’s important to be flexible.

“Thank you very much you two.”

Says Iris.

That means I’ve achieved my goal, so I can now hang out with Iris until noon.

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