An exclusive mage who broke up with his alchemist childhood friend, wants to lead a slow life in a remote town – Intermission 4 – The failure of the genius alchemist – Part one

Today is the day when I meet my new exclusive mage. His name is Crowley, and he’s coming to my atelier.

He’s the number one mage in the association. A great mage full of elven wisdom that’s turning two hundred years old this year.

And I hear he’s quite handsome.

I hear a knock on the door. It’s finally time to meet this handsome man!

I put on a smile to create a good first impression, and see a man with an attractive face and figure when I open the door.

He has the typical handsome features of an elf, with a thin and high nose. And he’s tall.

The fact that I have so perfectly traded up from that useless mage makes me feel heavenly.

A tall handsome guy you wouldn’t believe is two hundred years old.

Handsome, brilliant, rich, good social status, and kind only to me. These are the minimum requirements to become my exclusive mage.

I am a genius alchemist, and the pride of the kingdom. A sad being, that has been burdened with an alchemist that brought me various disadvantages.

I doubt anyone would blame me for wanting a partner like this.

Anyway, I give his face a passing grade.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Crowley, and I was sent from the mage association.

Crowley greets me with a gentle smile.

I greet him back, and take him to the drawing room.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mister Crowley. Please sit on this sofa.”

“You are very kind to be treating an old person such as myself with such attention and care, Lord Alchemia.”

That’s right. No one is a kinder alchemist. But that kindness is also the source of problems.

And then, I present Crowley with the homemade cookies I made to show off my domestic appeal to Crowley.

“Did you bake these, Lord Alchemia?”


“Eh… How nostalgic. Noir used to make sweets as a hobby too.”

Who’s this Noir?

That question crosses my mind, and he tells me she’s a girl my age.

How rude, talking about other women with a beauty like me in front of him.


Crowley cowers for a moment after taking a bite of a cookie I made.

Several seconds later, he says it’s very tasty, with a twitchy smile.

Apparently he likes them. I’m glad he’s happy.

“Excuse me, but how long have you been making sweets?”

“For about a week. I was bored and had nothing else to do. How are they?”

“It’s a gentle taste. The salt can really be felt. I almost spit it out the moment I put it in my mouth.”

I didn’t use any salt. What’s he talking about?

Is he trying to make me feel calm? That type of kindness is not something I want from Crowley.

From my point of view, it’s obvious that I want him to be kinder only to me. I can only value Crowley if he shows me more strong points than that. If he can’t do that, he’s basically just another useless mage.

I’m not going to be satisfied with my new exclusive mage unless he’s a grade higher in every aspect.

There is no alchemist more ambitious than me.

“Excuse me, but is it true you are the number one mage in the association?”

“As embarrassed as I am to say, being one of the members of the party that defeated the demon king a hundred years ago is the number one reason. I myself am not much of a mage.”

He responds, sounding humble.

He was in the hero’s party!?

“I don’t believe there was a Crowley in that party”

“I went by Aleister at the time.”

I-I see. And I’m surprised to hear he is even greater than I thought.

The hero’s party are seen with great honor in this country. Even the queen speaks of them with respect.

I’m a little surprised, but this is a good opportunity. If I partner with him, I can level up from being just being Lord Alchemia.

So he’s more attractive, kinder, has a higher social status, and is more capable than that useless guy.

Who could be more appropriate as a partner for me?

“I feel honored that someone as wonderful as you picked me.”

I thank him again.

“Oh, no. I should thanking you. Thank you very much for your invitation.

Your invitation woke up the mage spirit lying dormant inside me. And it was an opportunity to get away from Noir’s atelier that troubled me so much.”

Noir’s atelier. I’ve never heard of this atelier.

So the Noir he mentioned earlier is an alchemist?

She must be a dreadful alchemist to not be able to make it with a mage like Crowley.

“Do you know the Southlight region?”

“A remote area along the border with Roland, correct?”

“It’s an atelier in a small town called Luminous there, but it being in a remote region meant my talents were wasted.

Her predecessor did a lot for me, so I looked after their granddaughter Noir for years, but in the end, I am only elven. I wanted to go out there and embrace the limelight again.

I don’t have a lot of time left in this world, so your invitation was truly a blessing.”

So Crowley was the exclusive mage of an incompetent alchemist.

Come to think if it, he is very famous as the mage Aleister, but virtually unknown as the exclusive mage Crowley.

So that’s how it was. I see we have a sort of kinship, as people dragged down by others’ incompetence.

“Lord Alchemia, I want to get to work right away. Are there any requests I can do?

He asks with a smile.

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