The stats and skills of the Death Crab are very ordinary, so there’s not much to say about them. “I’m kind of disappointed.” “That’s because…
Author: Hidamarisou
I suddenly gave off a bad impression to her majesty. I really got off to a bad start. But this is just the start, so…
To Alice. How are you doing? I’m still doing well. We now have a name for the place where we live. I think Miss Lan…
Hearing that makes me think about Leila’s mithril sword. That one also had the level two, if I remember correctly. “I think I’ve seen that…
I’m left with nothing to do, so I go back to the tent, lie down, and think about what to do next. “We still don’t…
I take off my swimming trunks, wipe myself, and put on my armor. Armor might not be necessary since I have Adamantine Armor III, but…
[Records regarding the miko] Recorder: Landouno Stoffer Leruga Nymfluol. That is the name we settled on for the place where we live. That is said…
I hear a deep sigh next to me. “You worry too much.” I say. “Aren’t you worried, Sora?” Shun is worried because it’s been ten…
“Hehehehe…! Just as I planned, everyone’s too busy with Isaac and the others to chase me. Now I just have to wait for them to…
Thank you very much for waiting. I have to overcome a lot of problems to get Loyd back in the atelier. Obviously, that involves getting…