I see Isolte on my way back to the inn. She has a serious expression on her face, and when she sees me, she comes…
Author: Hidamarisou
We left the village five days ago, and Leight says we’ve come pretty deep into the forest. “We haven’t been here before either.” “Really?” “Yes,…
Brynhildr takes us to the roots of Yggdrasil, where I see a beautiful clear spring. When I touch it, I can tell there is an…
After spending the night with Aki, she’s not there when I wake up. Her side is still warm, so I assume she woke up before…
“Hey, what’s wrong Siphon?” “I was just thinking that you never know what turns life will take.” “That’s true. We met in Elesya, took part…
“So it really was you, Neid.” “Why? How did you know!?” Both glared at each other, with their transformations undone. Neid asked how Yuugo found…
After a while, Nero emerges from the kitchen. He looks around the place, and smiles when he sees Iris. “Hey Iris. You came to visit…
After hearing Ryuryu’s explanation, I understand why her friend Nell is nervous. So she feels divine power… And she said she could feel it from…
“Neid, you…!?” “It’s the best! I have the power of the magic swords to rule over people, and the power to crush anyone I don’t…
Apparently Aira has been dealing with getting the car Aki and Maki were considering, and renting a penthouse. She’s such a capable maid… We’re passing…