A week passed after Helvi revealed to the three women that she was a devil, and there were not any noticeable changes in their behavior.…
Author: Hidamarisou
Afterwards, Theo and Helvi invited Fiore for dinner to tell her about Helvi as they ate. “Eh!? A-a devil!?” As Helvi spoke, she brought out…
Before I realize it, they start living not too far away from the village, and show no intention of leaving. Freinet is back with the…
The people I saved were reunited with their friends, and it looks like they accepted that we don’t want to hurt them. Apparently mister Dongu…
The next day, the four left town once again for the sake of Theo’s training. As they sat in a grassy field having lunch, obviously…
That night, Theo and Helvi were relaxing after their second round. Their heads were on the same pillow, and their faces were so close, they…
“Why!? Let me out of here! Who do you think I am!?” Why is this happening to me? I’m special! I think as I yell…
Taking the throne is probably the best choice… I do not know for what purpose they decided to say this to me, but my answer…
Afterwards, Theo’s training was put on hold so they could have lunch. Theo made everyone’s meals, so Xena and Celia got to enjoy his cooking…
“But if you just increase the maximum amount of magic energy he can have, his skill won’t keep up.” “That is true, but Theo has…