The four left the guild and the town… Or at least that was the plan. “We forgot the horses.” It took a full day to…
Author: Hidamarisou
After getting the camping equipment ready, Xena and Celia returned to Theo and Helvi’s house. “Taking the house with us would draw a ton of…
It all happens in a second. Before we know it, the monster gets up, starts moving its stalks and leaves, and mows down everyone that’s…
It’s finally time to face the monster. I’m scared, but I also feel like it’s something we have to do… A lot of different emotions…
They accepted the quest. They were curious about the mountain where a devil supposedly lived, but that was it. They could dispatch any bandit they…
We decide to prepare carefully, and go face the monster only after we’re done. I have to prepare as much as possible, because if we…
My name is Ilma, and I am starting a journey to find the real miko. I saw the miko’s appearance when I received the divine…
After the three met up with Theo again, they listened to Fiore as she explained the quest. Far away from the town, there were two…
We want to fight together. It doesn’t matter if we’re kids or adults, we just don’t want to lose people important to us. Both mister…
We decide to join the elves in confronting the monster that has been demanding sacrifices from them. It’s the day after we all talked. I…