After their conversation about traveling together, Xena and Celia returned to their inn, and they all gathered in the mercenary guild the next day. “Good…
Author: Hidamarisou
I, Ninaev Fairy, have just become officially engaged to Hicked Migha, the seventh prince of the kingdom of Migha. Neither of us are influential, but…
Mister Sileva looks like he’s thinking about what mister Dongu said. He probably doesn’t want to talk about what he can do. If we get…
Xena and Celia rested on the sofa, unable to move due to how full their stomachs were. “…Those two really do look like husband and…
“That monster has been sitting at the base of the spirit tree for seven years.” Seven years. Says the old elf Sileva (he finally told…
I, Ilma, am still confined underground. I honestly do not know what is happening outside. No one will tell me anything, although I am being…
“G-geez! Helvi! T-that kiss was too much! Restrain yourself a little, please!” Theo was mad, but the other three couldn’t help but feel soothed as…
The old elf is surprised by what I say, like he didn’t expect me to say something like that. “Old elf, I think, it would…
Monsters. I don’t know a lot about these beings. I’m friends with gryphons and a sky horse, but I’ve never even seen any other monsters,…
“I’ll go next.” “Yes, go ahead.” Celia stepped forward, and started preparing her magic. She just fired a powerful spell, so she would have to…