Tenth day I might have done something I shouldn’t have, and caused embarrassment for Mister Zenon. Today, Mister Rush and Mister Yuugo had a duel,…
Author: Hidamarisou
The first floor of the Heart dungeon. We’ve been walking while appreciating the scenery for about half an hour, zig-zagging to avoid forests, until the…
To Lerunda, the miko Hello, I am Shuongalve Saff Rezzed, the king of the Kingdom of Rezzed, of the Confederation of Saff. Firstly, allow me…
I wake up feeling good again today. I even forget for a moment that I’m in a dungeon. “We’ll eat and then keep moving, but…
Spirito had been regretting it. Qualia broke her out of her arrogance, but she could not repay him. He just kept pushing himself for their…
Eighth day I wrote about Miss Melt the other day, but now I know who she is. As I thought, she joined the academy in…
Pochi then returns with another tiger keelback it got from somewhere. And pops gets so happy and compliments it so much, that I have to…
After seeing Iris arrive at her inn, I leave with Mars. We also have a map, so we run fast and manage to reach our…
We went to the ninth floor, even though Hikari and Rurika haven’t woken up yet. Then I had a strange feeling, and met spirits. At…
First day The new school period starts today. I am advancing to high school here in Luminous Academy, and my days of training to become…