“This means I can be relieved of my duty. I have nothing more to teach you.” “Thank you so much, Master Yuugo. Not just for…
Author: Hidamarisou
It’s going to be a long time before my life or Gaius’ ends. Unless something happens that we don’t expect, we’re going to live for…
Before we know it, we’re in a room I think is inside the white box. However, it doesn’t have that simple feeling I got from…
When we enter the hundredth floor, the first thing we see is a big wolf with pure white fur, that shines silver when light hits…
We hold hands with Ayane as we explore, which isn’t at all efficient, but at least she’s having fun. After looking around for thirty minutes,…
The next day, we all go to the training area. I already explained the Enhancement skill to everyone last night, but there’s an issue. “Training…
“It looks like we have Till’s permission. That means we can look for Sephilia without feeling bad.” Says Lela as she hides behind a wall…
“H-hey, Mizari!” “Ah, Feir. Hello, it’s been a while.” Feir sounded a little flustered as he called out to Mizari, but he was excited when…
In the end, Miss Miriel’s meddling makes Miss Sheryl’s anger explode, so we decide to call it for the day. As we leave Mister Giarth’s…
‘Ohoh!’ As if angry for calling it gross, the man-faced fish immediately turns this way and starts swimming. It can’t be said to be fast…