By the way, I’m now living in the mountains – Chapter 33 – It really is a habu. You can’t keep one of these without a license!

We’re going to check the habu later, so it’s by the entrance for now. I’m sure anyone visiting today would be in for a surprise.

Aikawa tells Miss Yumoto that Rin isn’t coming in because she’s very shy.


She can’t help but be curious.

“Don’t pry too much. You’re bothering them.”

“…You’re right.”

Pops says flatly, and she reluctantly backs down. I really get how she feels, but Rin isn’t getting off that mini truck.

“Can I take some fried food? I’m sorry for the bother.”

“Yes! I’ll make onigiri, so take them too!”

Aikawa sounds apologetic, but Miss Yumoto responds brightly. Can Rin eat fried food? I think he said before that she’s carnivorous, so he’s probably going to take those and eat them himself when he gets home.

Apparently they eat things whole and digest slowly, so they go days without eating. And there’s plenty to eat on the mountain anyway, so she can easily go without lunch.

When it’s time to have lunch, Aikawa sits next to pops, then me, Katsuragi, and Miss Yumoto.

Katsuragi brought wild vegetables, which Miss Yumoto gladly uses to make tempura. She’s impressed that Katsuragi can still get bamboo shoots. Maybe they grew out of season.

She puts out a big plate with chicken karaage, wild vegetable ohitashi, and pickled vegetables. She even went out of her way to get sashimi. Thanks.

When we’re done eating, we have tea, and Katsuragi gets up to help Miss Yumoto with the dishes.

At times like these, it’s like it’s obvious that women have to do that. It’s a very ‘rural’ thing. I guess it’s all about dividing duties, but it also feels wrong that they don’t get to sit and relax. Then again, there are people like pops’ friend, who makes buckwheat noodles, so it’s not like all housework is done by the ladies.

“That thing you brought is definitely a habu, Aikawa.”

Pops says after opening the glass sliding door to the entrance, and checking it again. The dragon in the entrance opens its eyes slightly like it’s checking too.

“Good grief… Their father was getting rid of harmful animals, and they went and caused even more harm… Can I keep this as evidence?”

“Sure. This thick looking snake was clearly being kept by someone.”

“But raising habu is supposed to be difficult, and you need a license. I assume he got it through a work connection or something, but this is trouble.”

“Sure is.”

He might have been keeping more foreign venomous snakes too. Of course, the police and animal shelter have already been contacted. And apparently the animal shelter won’t keep them.

The police has to deal with it if it’s reported, but the one police box posted to this village (there’s another one, but it’s shared with the village further back, and isn’t here half the week), tends to do what they can themselves. And of course, criminal cases really have to be left to the police.

Then I hear the sliding door open. Eh? A visitor?

Actually, it’s Pochi. I’m just about to turn away, when I see something on its beak.

It’s pretty long…

“Oh! Nice, Pochi. That’s a tiger keelback. Thanks!”

It’s not coming in, maybe because its feathers are dirty. Where have you been patrolling?

“You really did catch one for us. Good boy Pochi.”

Miss Yumoto is happy.

It’s too big for a regular plastic bottle. Pops tells Pochi to go outside, and gets a nata knife from storage. I’ve never heard of tiger keelback sake, so I guess he’s just killing it.

But what’s he going to do with it?

“Tonight we’re having tempura.”

“I see…”

He cleanly cuts the poison part, carefully puts it in a bag, and ties it. He’s going to put it out when it’s time to take out the trash.

Pochi is going out on patrol again. What a worker. I wanted to see what it’s been doing, but I can’t leave, because Katsuragi is back from washing dishes and sits next to me. I’m like a breakwater.

“Thank you for having me, it was very tasty. But I should be going.”

Says Aikawa, as he drinks his tea and picks up a snack.

“Oh my… I see, you’re right. You shouldn’t keep her waiting too long. Take this with you.”

Miss Yumoto says as she hands him a wrapped package. I think it’s fried stuff and onigiri.

“Thank you.”

“If possible, bring her inside some other time.”

“Thank you very much, I’ll tell her.”

I highly doubt that’s going to happen, but Aikawa responds with a smile. He’s just being polite.

Oh, and pops mentions wanting to see Ten, and Aikawa looks like he’s thinking.

“…It’s not always around the house, so I don’t know if you could see it even if you dropped by…”

“So you let it outside? Is that all right?”

“Yes, it doesn’t go too far. And we have plenty of space on the mountain, right?”


“I’ll do what I can, if you give me a couple days notice.”

“Then I’ll visit once the rainy season passes. Are you coming, Shouhei?”

“Yes, well, I can bring red swamp crayfish if you want.”

“It will definitely show up then.”

I guess Rin and Ten still love those.

Aikawa takes the bag from Miss Yumoto and gets up. He peeks over at Katsuragi, and hangs his head.

I also get up to see him off, and Yuma snuggles up to me.

“Tell us if something else happens.”

“Yes, and thank you for the meal. Please tell Sano when you’re coming.”

“Yes, thanks.”

I wave to Rin, and she waves like she’s wiping the window. It’s kind of funny. After Aikawa leaves, Katsuragi comes out. She’s looking kind of hazy.

“Ah, are you leaving?”

“Yes, soon… So Aikawa has a girlfriend…”

Apparently she didn’t see Rin on the passenger seat when she got here. I guess it would make sense to assume no one was staying in the mini truck.

“She was on the passenger seat.”

I say back.

“I get drawn in by good looks easily, so Aikawa is dangerous. I shouldn’t hang around him too much.”

She says with her face red.

“And I fall in love easily so… Hum, thank you for today…”

“…It’s fine.”

I’m just average anyway. A mob character.

It’s not like I’d be popular with Katsuragi. Still…

She leaves like she’s running away, and Yuma comes over to snuggle up to me. Healing…

“Ah, geez… Thanks, Yuma…”

Seriously, where did Pochi go?

I have to stay here for a while, waiting for Pochi.

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