By the way, I’m now living in the mountains – Chapter 41 – Can we tell its species by its tail? Being in high demand is kind of troubling

I can’t tell what that snake tail is from the picture alone. I’ve looked it up on the internet too, but I still don’t know.

When pops comes by in the evening to drop off Pochi and Yuma, I show him the picture.

“…I can’t tell from this alone. But wouldn’t that big lizard be all right even if it was venomous?”

“I don’t know.”

I tell Katsuragi that if she’s still concerned, she should take it to the village tomorrow. And to keep checking on her dragon, because something could happen to it if the snake really was venomous.

Then again, my chickens eat tiger keelbacks whole, so… Actually, I’ve never really watched them eat those, so they might avoid the part with the poison.

She says she’ll take it there tomorrow morning. And since I’m going to pops’ place to drop the chickens off, we’re going there around the same time. I can meet her in pops’ place, and head to Aikawa’s when we’re done.

Oh? I feel like I’ve become popular lately.

When that thought pops into my mind, I feel eyes on me, and turn to see my chickens staring.


Pochi and Tama turn away, and Yuma… Also turns away a few seconds later.


Terrible. Cruel. Unloving. I thought at least Yuma would understand. (Understand what though?)

Hehe, I know. I’m not the one who’s popular.

They didn’t make noise Tuesday night either. And since I told them that I’m going to Aikawa’s place today, Pochi is coming with me, and Tama and Yuma are going to be working.

Oh, that’s right, yesterday they found eggs. We weren’t expecting that. They really are multiplying, although not all eggs are from venomous snakes.

When I get to pops’ place, Katsuragi isn’t here yet.

“So it’s Tama and Yuma today? I’m counting on you, girls.”

Pops looks happy somehow. I guess it’s nice to have girls around, even when it comes to animals.

“We’re going a little further today. The owner of Mount Naru (the nickname of Katsuragi’s mountain) isn’t here yet? Tama, Yuma, can you wait a bit?”

My chickens start pecking around pops’ house. For chickens, the outside is full of food. Thanks to that, I don’t really need to feed them, but I still prepare breakfast my own way. And the rest is as we can see.

“…How are things without them during the day?”

“I don’t know yet. Two of them always go out patrolling anyway.”

“Tell me if something happens due to them not being around. Well, there might not be any big changes because it’s during the day.”

“…? Yes.”

I don’t really know what he means. But as we talk, a mini truck arrives. It’s Katsuragi.

“Good morning. I’m sorry I’m late!”

She comes off the mini truck like she’s falling from it. That’s Katsuragi all right.”

“Good morning. It’s all right.”

Pops laughs.

“Good morning.”

We greet each other, and Katsuragi nervously brings out a plastic bottle with the top cut off. The snake’s tail is inside, and the top of the bottle is covered in shrink wrap that’s held in place by a rubber band.

“Sorry, but it’s this…”

She puts it out with a displeased look on her face. I can’t blame her.

But pops takes it.

“This… Judging by the patterns, it doesn’t look like a snake from around here. Can I keep this?”

“Sure! I would like it if you disposed of it!”

“All right. Thanks for coming all the way out here.”

“No no! I’m sorry I couldn’t help.”

“Don’t worry ’bout it too much. All right, I’m off. Sorry I can’t stick around and receive you properly.”

“Don’t worry about it. See you later.”

Pops leaves with two chickens, and Pochi starts to walk around his house. Miss Yumoto is working in the field.

The dragon then comes down from the mini truck. I guess it needs to stretch its body after being still for too long. It doesn’t look like there’s anything wrong with it, so that’s nice.

“Sano, do you have any plans today?”

“I’m going to the western mountain.”

“Western mountain… Aikawa’s, right?”


We talk a little far away. I can’t get too close to a girl.

“I feel like you go see Aikawa a lot…”

“Yes. We went to the town yesterday too.”

“To the town… I’m kind of jealous…”

I feel like I heard something unsettling, but let’s just assume I imagined it.

“…No, stop, me. I’m too quick to fall in love, so I can’t get too close…”

She starts mumbling. I guess that’s not a problem with me. I get it.

“What about tomorrow? Do you have plans?”

“…Not really, other than bringing my chickens here…”

“I’ll cook something, so make sure to come by!”

“Ah, yes…”

So if it’s me, it doesn’t bother her at all. That’s fine. It is, but… I end up feeling murky.

But we say goodbye, and I head to the western mountain with Pochi.

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