Arc says a hero doesn’t necessarily come once in a generation. Apparently there are as many heroes as there are saints found by the church,…
Category: Strongest island
We advance through the southern forest, and head towards where we feel strong magic energy clashing. Arc and Seti are fighting, while Mister Dine and…
Miss Miriel has a soft expression as she watches the three of them from a little far away. “They’re nice kids.” “Yes, they’re all good…
And the result… “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” “Geez, don’t apologize so much!” “Raise your head! I’m the one at fault here!” It’s nice…
After listening to Xellos, we are about to head to the next stop, but… “Come to think of it, I’ve never really talked to Cara…
We leave Merlin’s house, and walk through the forest together. No one really touches on Edinburgh’s past here. Surely it’s because her current personality is…
“I will challenge my master to a duel after she regains her memories!” “Yes, I understand.” We say goodbye, and Reina heads to the forest…
I tell them to come back tomorrow, and that I’ll convince Reina, and they leave. That night, I tell Reina what Edinburgh told me, and……
After breakfast is over and we clean up the tent, we invite Edinburgh and Wil inside to hear her out. “Eh…! Daddy’s not gonna play!?”…
We return to the side of the tent, and see bread and bacon sandwiches. But that’s not all, there’s also fresh looking salad and what…