I was reincarnated on an island where the strongest species live, so I will enjoy a peaceful life on this island – Chapter 174 – Into the middle of the great spirits

After Brynhildr’s suggestion, it’s decided that Miss Miriel and the others will be coming to the north, but all the great spirits being gathered in one place brings a new problem.

Where will they meet exactly?

The nature of Miss Sheryl’s dark temple means Miss Miriel will be weaker as she approaches it, because she’s the light great spirit.

But then what about Mister Guen’s volcanic area? In the end, it’s the wasteland where Mister Giarth lives that’s chosen.

But it’s way too dreary for a reunion…

They seem fine with it, but if part of the reason why this is happening is because they’re grateful to the southern great spirits for protecting Yggdrasil, there should be a more welcoming atmosphere.

“Let’s do our best to make sure everyone’s happy!”


My land…”

We borrow a part of Mister Giarth’s wasteland, and Snow’s power turns it into a snowy landscape.

Then we tell Tiltue and Luna what’s going on, and they come over so we can have a snow festival.

The idea is to have a fun snowy area here.

“Brynhildr will call the great spirits tomorrow, so let’s set things up until then.


Snow and Mia get to work on a snowman right away, and Katima also helps, along with adult alfar.

“I will make something great.”


Luna and Tiltue are working together this time. They’re gathering snow and making what looks like a big building.

“To think I’d be made to play in the snow at this age…”

“Well, we owe a lot to them.”

Apparently Xellos and Merlin were called here to help too. I feel like they’re always looking after the kids.

“But why am I here…”

“Think of this as training.”

“How could I?”

And Seti and Cara were called here too while they were at it.

It looks like Cara still isn’t used to this island, so Seti had to basically drag her here.

Well, it doesn’t look like they’ll cause trouble, so this can be a good opportunity for them to get along with the others better.

“Hahaha, you can’t beat the energy of children.”

“Ah, you’re here too Zephir.”

“I had not been here yet, so I decided to come take a look. I heard there is a volcanic area further north, so perhaps I could search for some good hot springs.”

He looks cheerful, maybe because everyone’s having fun.

Zephir is the one among the seven great mages that is making the most out of life on this island.

“I don’t see Edinburgh here.”

“Yes. She has been doing something with Miss Wilhelmina, so I have not seen her lately.”


She’s never put so much effort into preparing. I have a bad feeling about this.

There’s no doubt that Reina and I are the targets… Not to mention that with everyone here, she’s free to do what she wants.

I sigh, but Zephir looks a little amused.

“Hahaha, I feel like it will be better than if that true ancestral was alone.”

“You’ve got a point.”

Edinburgh isn’t the type to make fun of us, and she has the most common sense.

More importantly, something must have happened in the past, because Wil tends to listen to her too.

The two of us walk around, and I see someone from behind who has black hair, that I recognize.

“Graham is here too. That’s rare.”

“It seems Miss Sakuya wanted to come.”


Reina and Ceres are with Sakuya, and Erie too, making the mood around there all florid.

It’s nice that people are forming bonds, but Arc and Graham look awkward. Both sigh with relief when they see us, and walk our way.

The four of us go around helping people who need it, and everything’s mostly done by the time the sun sets.

There’s a doll made of snow, the big building turned into a castle… Magic really is amazing.

Then we all rest in the alfar village, and the next day…

After everyone goes back home, Brynhildr comes back with the great spirits.

“Uwaaah! Cuuuute! I’m so happyyyyyy!”

The moment Miss Miriel sees the snowy scenery, her eyes shine.

She starts looking around, and when she sees Miss Sheryl, she dashes towards her… But Miss Sheryl dodges, and Miss Miriel falls into the snow.

“Wapuh!? W-why did you dodge, Sheryl…”

“Because you’re a pain.”

“How awful. You used to suck on mommy’s boobs so much before!”

“I left precisely because you would spread falsehoods like that!”

They start talking back and forth like they haven’t been apart for over a thousand years, and Mister Dine and Miss Phi get here too.

“Miriel! You’re too worked up!”

“But… I always wanted to see them.”

Miss Phi gets upset like always, and Mister Giarth and Mister Guen also step away from Miss Miriel.

It’s painted on their faces how much they don’t want to get involved with her.

“It’s been a while, Sheryl. And Guen and Giarth.”

“You can come over here if it gets to be too much trouble for you.”

“But then who would be left to stop those two? Think of how much trouble it would be for the high elves…”

Mister Dine sighs as he sees the others get noisy the second they arrive.

“Ou, sorry about that.”


The northern great spirits feel sorry for everything being pushed on him.

“We haven’t seen you in a while either!”

“Guen! You’re as cute as always!”

“You must not have eyeballs, to call me cute!”

“And Giarth is shining more than before!”


Miss Miriel switches targets from Miss Sheryl to the other two, but they don’t look all too displeased.

It doesn’t feel like they haven’t seen each other in a thousand years, so I feel like great spirits have a strong bond between them.


Snow is just looking on.

I don’t know what she’s thinking, but I feel like she should be there.



Snow walks through the snowy area, that hasn’t been stepped on by the others.

She’s young, but she’s going to follow the same path as the other great spirits.

“She’s going to leave us one day.”

But until then, I need to look out for her.

The small girl joins the other six, who all welcome her with smiles.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
2 months ago

Thanks for the treat.
