I was reincarnated on an island where the strongest species live, so I will enjoy a peaceful life on this island – Chapter 175 – White box

In the end, Miss Miriel’s meddling makes Miss Sheryl’s anger explode, so we decide to call it for the day.

As we leave Mister Giarth’s home, the tired Snow falls asleep in my arms, and Miss Miriel looks at her like it’s adorable.

“Thanks Arata.”

“I didn’t do anything. They were already talking about seeing you three when I got there.”

“I’m sure it was many bridges between races you built that made them think about that in the first place.”

“Yes. She’s a lot softer than before.”

I do feel like Miss Sheryl had a sharper edge when I met her.

In fact, she attacked Katima all of a sudden. I’m sure she would’ve stopped the attack if I didn’t, but she’s still kinder now compared to someone that immediately took hostile action.

“Seeing that makes us think about some things too!”

“Yes. I, along with the other high elves, want to know more about this vast world.”

Says Brynhildr with a serious expression. I think that would be nice.

“You’ve put a lot of things in motion after coming to this island, Arata.”

“I don’t know about that. I didn’t intend to do it, and I don’t even know if it’s a good thing.”

“It is. At the very least, we all feel that way. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be so taken with you.”

Says Miss Miriel with a smile, and the kind air around her of a holy mother.

“Thank you… For taking care of Snow.”

She floats to look me in the eye, and pokes the cheek of the sleeping Snow.

“She told us all about it, and how happy she is. How she has a mommy, daddy, and friends.”


“Ah, she hid her face. Sorry.”

I don’t think she can hear her, but Miss Miriel keeps apologizing.

If Snow’s happy, I’m happy. And I’m sure Reina feels the same way.

“You’re a nice dad! You have my praise!”

“Thank you. Miss Phi, you can come visit if you want.”

“Oh well! But you’re also welcome to visit!”

Her words sound harsh, but their content is very gentle.

She’s also patting Snow’s head with her tiny fairy hand, and she really feels like a big sister.

Miss Miriel says what I’ve been doing is good, but there are times when I’m afraid.

Beyond that barrier, there’s a peaceful place without war.

Before I came to this island, there were clear lines between all races, and the environment reflected that.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been messing things up, and that I might be ruining the peace on this island.

“Arata, your worries are not unfounded.”

“Mister Dinne?”

I stop when I hear that serious voice, and turn to the water great spirit.

“The way this island used to be was unnatural from the point of view of primal nature. Is that what you think after seeing inside the barrier?”


“But I think things are good now. Keep that in mind. After all, the great spirits who rule over nature in this world think so.”

He says before moving forward again.

Miss Miriel and Miss Phi say nothing, seemingly agreeing.

“All the great spirits…?”

Then I guess it’s fine…

Strangely, those words have the power to make me feel that way.

After saying goodbye to Brynhildr and the great spirits, I reach the open area where our home is, and see a crowd of people.

“What’s that?”

There’s a big white box in the space next to our house.

As I get closer, I see the seven great mages investigating it with puzzled expressions.

“Ah, Arata… Welcome back.”

“Reina, all I get from this is a bad feeling…”

It’s a big white box without much in terms of decoration.

It’s clearly not artificial, but it wasn’t here when we left.

Also, Wil was here, and there’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed this getting here.

“This was here when I got back…”

Reina hands me a letter that says, ‘A man and woman who have feelings for each other should hold hands and touch the box’.

I was cautious at first, but it sounds like one of Wil’s pranks.

I assume it will be more annoying if we ignore it, and I think she’ll be happy if we go along with it a bit.

It was with that thought in mind that Arc and the others held hands and touched it, since they were the only lovers here. There was a bright light, and the three of them disappeared.

“…How long have they been gone?”

“About two hours. This box won’t budge to any attack, so we’ve been investigating it like this.”

“I see.”

It’s not just Xellos and Merlin, Zephir is here too.

If the human with the strongest firepower can’t damage it, there must be some special power at work here.

I try touching it too, and it feels neither cold or hot. It’s like I’m touching something inorganic.

“What did you find?”

“It doesn’t react to attacks of any attribute, so it seems to be an elementless matter with no impurities. That’s about all.”

“Hm, at the very least, it is not something found in nature.”

“So it’s pretty much confirmed that it’s one of Wil’s pranks…”

The seven great mages are all knowledgeable. If they say this can’t occur in nature, it’s safe to assume this isn’t normal.

Between that letter and this strange box, it’s pretty much confirmed that it has to be her.

I hand the happily sleeping Snow to Reina, and clench my fist.

“One, two…!”

I punch it hard, and there’s an incredibly loud sound, but the box doesn’t budge.

“…Brute force won’t get us anywhere with this.”

I didn’t use my full power, but I feel like there’s something different here.

It looks like a sturdy box, but it felt like I was punching a gigantic ocean.

“Seriously? If Arata can’t do it, no one can.”

“Now what? If it’s a prank from that vampire, it won’t do anything bad enough to kill us, but…”

Xellos and Merlin sound resigned, probably because they’ve seen some of Wil’s power.

“Don’t worry.”

I hear a voice coming from above me, and look up to find Edinburgh.

“Ah, Edinburgh.”

“Master! What did you make next to our house!?”

She hops down from the box, and lands softly before looking at me and Reina.

“Arc and the others will be out soon.”

“But explain…”

Says Reina, but she’s interrupted by the white box shining.

“This is like when Ceres and the others disappeared!”

And then, the three of them appear.

They don’t look hurt, but…

“Seriously, is that thing safe?”

Arc’s face looks exhausted, but Ceres and Erie’s are bright red, and happy.

The letter said to hold hands, but the two beautiful girls are each holding one of Arc’s arms.

“Are you okay, Arc?”


Arc slowly looks up, and raises his voice when he sees me.

“Arata!? Don’t! This is dangerous, get away…”

But then they move.

“Reina, come here!”

“Hurry, this way Mister Arata!”

“I’ll look after Snow.”

“Eh? Wait, what?”

Erie and Ceres push Reina’s back, and Edinburgh takes Snow.

They take Reina in front of the white box, and pull me by the arm too.

We’re standing next to each other in front of it, and…

“Now hold hands!”

“Good luck! We will be rooting for you!”

They sound different as they cheer Reina on, and while we’re confused, a white light engulfs us.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 month ago

Thanks for the treat.

1 month ago

Lol @ everyone deciding Reina and Arata were taking too long.