I was reincarnated on an island where the strongest species live, so I will enjoy a peaceful life on this island – Chapter 48 – Free life

Trailblazing here on the island is a lot more trouble than I thought.

Clearing the path is done easily with magic, and it’s no problem from a stamina point of view either.

It’s just so long.

Elga and I take thirty minutes to go from my house to his village, so to put it in old world terms, I’m basically building a highway.

“I think this is about a tenth of the way.”

“Ahh… If just clearing the trees is like this, it’s going to take a while.”

I roughly clear the trees, and Reina takes care of the more minute work. We’ve decided to actually work on the path later, and just start by clearing it.

But the fact that we’ve been at it for three days already tells me it’s going to take longer than I expected.

“I guess I should’ve expected this. If making a road was easy, they wouldn’t use machines and so much manpower in my old world.”


“Like tools that move on their own.”

“Hm… Like magic items and artifacts?”

There was a word in there that made my heart race, but let’s focus on development first.

“Xellos and Merlin…”

“Are already down because they ran out of magic energy. It’s also starting to get rough for me too, to be honest.”

“I see… Then let’s end it here for today.”

Looking at the thick forest ahead, I see it would still be tough to move forward. I’d be fine, but the others would have trouble with both stamina and magic energy.

Conversely, the part that’s already been cleared is pretty easy to walk on already, thanks to Reina and the others.

We need to stomp out the uneven bits, but judging by how it’s going, we’re not going to be doing that for a while.

“I’m pretty dirty too. I need a bath.”

“Yes, and not to mention the sweat. I’ll prepare the bath, so go get ready to go in.”

“Really? Thank you then.”

The sun is still high in the sky, but days like these aren’t bad once in a while.

It’s not like I have a quota I have to match every day. I wake up when I want, play around when I want, work when I want, and sleep when I want. That’s just how it is here.

Honestly, I could probably pick up the pace more if I was doing this alone.

My magic energy probably doesn’t have a real limit, and this body doesn’t get tired. If I just blew away everything in my path, it would probably be a lot faster.

But to put it bluntly, doing it by myself like that wouldn’t be fun.

I get to do something with Reina, and get closer to Xellos and Merlin too. I want to enjoy that kind of easygoing life.

“I might as well be a little selfish like that, since I reincarnated and all.”

I whisper as I look at the beautiful girl walking in front of me.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Mister! Luna’s here.”

“Hey Luna, and…”



The bloody wolves Krr and Grr start running around me, looking like they’re having fun.

These two are growing pups that still just want to play around, and they see me as a superior too, so they’re pretty attached.

“Welcome you two.”

I pick one up, and the other starts scratching my leg.

Oh all right, I’ll hold you both. And now Luna is looking up at me.



I pick up Luna along with the two pups, and she starts laughing loudly, making me feel warm inside.

They’re pretty much as close as family now.

And as I keep holding them, I suddenly jump towards the trees.

“Ooh! We’re so high, Krr and Grr!”



I jump from tree to tree and speed up like a roller coaster, and when I suddenly jump high up in the sky, I hear cheering coming from my arms.

I’m going pretty fast, but rather than being scared, they’re all pretty happy with it.

“Should I go faster?”


She’s a kid, but she’s still a divine beat person. She’s not scared at all despite the speed. Krr and Grr are still fine with it too.

All right then, I’ll go up another gear.

“Hyah! This is so fun!”



And so, I run around the island with them in my arms.

Sometimes monsters look at us and get scared, but don’t worry, I’m not hunting today.

“All right. Let’s end by going up to the river. Don’t fall!”


I don’t know if it’s the minerals of this island or what, but the water we get from this river is always pretty and tasty.

Once we get there, we line up and start drinking.

“Cool and tasty!”

“Yes, this water is always tasty.”

This body doesn’t get tired, but it does get thirsty after running all over the place. Drinking water that’s this tasty makes me smile without even realizing it.

“Reina is going to cook later, so what do you say?”

“Count on Luna!”

“You’re still full of energy. But did you tell Elga?”


I guess she just left without telling anyone. Well, I imagine that at this point they assume that Luna is here when she’s not home, so I probably don’t need to worry about it.

“But what if Livia is making dinner too? You should make sure to tell them from now on.”


It looks like Luna really is reflecting on it. This is one of her good points. She’s able to recognize when she’s done something wrong without pushing back.

“All right, then let’s ask Reina to make enough to take home with you too.”

“Take home?”

“For Elga and Livia too. That way, you can all eat together at night.”


“Ah, sorry. And for Krr and Grr too.”

They start running around near the river, almost like they’re saying, ‘all right then’. Watching the two pups makes me feel warm inside.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. We’ve gotten our hands on various ingredients recently. But we still need to ask Reina.”

I say that, but she loves cooking, so I can’t imagine that would be a problem. She told me before too that cooking for more people is more fun than cooking for two.

“And in return, you can share more tasty food from the divine beast people’s village.”

“Yes! Livia’s cooking is great too, so Luna’ll bring it.”


I’m about to bring everyone back, thinking about how it’s just like Luna to say that instead of saying she’ll make something herself, when…

“Mister, something’s flowing this way.”


I look upstream, and see a familiar brown-skinned girl floating this way.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
4 months ago

Thanks for the treat.