Level Gacha ~ It turns out the dump stat 『Luck』 is the most important – Roll 107 – Holiday house and partner shift system

Apparently Aira has been dealing with getting the car Aki and Maki were considering, and renting a penthouse. She’s such a capable maid…

We’re passing the time chatting because it looks like they’re going to take a while longer to pick their swimsuits, so I ask her if there’s anything else we need.

“I heard the second floor is a beach, but don’t we need other equipment?”

“No. It would be one thing if we were hunting monsters underwater, but we are just going to play on the beach. But… Changing areas in a place with a lot of regular customers can be crowded, but since you have no problem going into areas where regular customers don’t go, we could use a tent for changing there.”

“A tent…”

“And we could buy a beach umbrella if you feel it is necessary.”

“I see. Then let’s go get them while they’re shopping, since it feels like it’ll still take a while.”

“Yes, I will accompany you.”

“I don’t really know what I’m getting, so it’s more like I’m accompanying you.”

We buy things we think we’ll need, and I remember to get planters. I splurge a little on them, because I think I’ll need them.


By the time we’re done, the girls are also done shopping.

We have dinner at a restaurant, and go to a supermarket to buy ingredients for tomorrow’s packed lunches. And then we walk to the penthouse.

Apparently the car is already in the underground parking lot of the apartment, but it’s five minutes away from the dungeon anyway.

The fact that it’s close to a dungeon that’s famous because it’s a popular dating spot means rent is pretty high, but that’s not a problem with our savings. And we actually bought it, not rented it…

I’m leaving the finances all up to the girls, but I wonder how much I have in savings.

I’m sure it’s not enough to also get holiday houses near mid and high rank dungeons. I should put up some skills for auction again. I used those two Command too.

I think about this until we reach our new place. There’s an atrium with a veranda in the living room where we can get a good view of the night skyline. It takes the girls’ attention, but my mind is on something else.

Even if those large golden seeds grow up into three meter tall trees, I think it will be fine here.

I plant nine right away, and sprinkle water with magic. Then I plant large golden seeds in four planters.

These ones are twice as big, so I give them twice… No, thrice the water.

Then we take turns taking a bath, but I call Aki over to my room just before it’s time to go to bed.


“You’re next.”

Aki knows what I’m talking about right away, and tenses up.

“N-next… That, right?”

“Yes… I can’t imagine doing it with you, but I don’t think it’s right to only do it with Maki and Ayane either.”

“Hn.. Okay. Don’t do anything weird.”

“I’m not brave enough for that.”

“No no, you wouldn’t be calling a girl to your room if you weren’t.”

“I guess so.”

“Fufu, it’s strange.”

She says as she sits on the bed.

“What is?”

“Hn… Living with you like this. It wasn’t that long ago that it’d be unthinkable.”

“Yes. The other three were like fateful meetings or something, but… I’ve known you for a long time. It’s not like I have a problem or anything, but you’re the one that I’d least imagine being in a relationship with.”

“Hmu, rude.”

We keep chatting to mask the nervousness.

“Thanks, Shouta.”

“What for?”

“A lot. About Maki too, but for taking my hand.”

“…I’m just doing what I want.”

“Hnfufufu, yes. You’re honest about your desires.”

She leans against me, and I pat her head.

“And for inviting me today. I’ve got a lot on my mind too you know? Like how adventuring with you would be fun.”


“But I can’t leave her alone. If she’s not gonna step forward, I’ll stay with her and wait for you to come back.”

“All right.”

“Ah, but it’s not like I hate it or anything. At this point, I like supporting you as much as I liked fighting.”

“Having you two to support me helps me so much.”

“Right? …Afu…”

She lets out a cute yawn.

“I think it’s time to go to sleep. We need to get up early tomorrow.”


Aki starts fidgeting. I really never imagined she could be so cute, up until recently.

“Do you want a goodnight kiss?”

“I-I wouldn’t be able to sleep then.”

“Haha, right.”

I lie down, and Aki does the same, but she’s facing the opposite direction.

I can’t see her face, but she’s red all the way to her ears.

“…Sorry, I’m too embarrassed.”

“Okay, then I’m going from behind.”


I hug her from behind.

Maki and Ayane faced me, but it’s like this with Aki… But I think I’d have a hard time sleeping facing Aki too.

“Ah… It feels calming.”

“That’s nice. Goodnight, Aki.”

“Goodnight, Shouta.”

Tomorrow we’re going to the beach on the second floor. I can’t wait to see them in their swimsuits. I can’t wait to hunt monsters…

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
3 months ago

Thanks for the treat.