I noticed this treasure chest when I was going around alone. I felt bad about worrying them, but the way it was in a place I couldn’t see with just the map intrigued me.
I was going to take it with me to surprise them, but…
“Eh? You can’t move it!?”
“Yes. And it’s less like it’s glued to the ground, and more like it’s protected by a strange power. It won’t budge at all.
And I’ve never seen a locked treasure chest either, so I wanted to hear your thoughts.”
I feel like there’s nothing I can’t carry right now. Well, that’s not exactly true, but I should be able to easily pick up something like this. I thought about carving the rock around the treasure chest to pick it up that way, but my sword won’t go into it for some reason.
It’s like it has some trait that makes it indestructible or something.
“A locked treasure chest we can’t pick up…?”
“I have never heard of it. Maybe a high ranking branch manager knows about this, but…”
“Treasure chests are rare enough on their own, darling.”
“Well, I’ve never even thought of something like this until I found it. Do you know anything, Aira?”
Aira is looking pensive, which is rare for her.
Come to think of it, she got here first, but she’s been standing in front of it silently this whole time.
“…I have heard rumors of a strange treasure chest in a foreign country. But there was no known source, so it was dubious.”
“I see…”
Foreign country… There are dungeons all over the world, and adventurers that fight on the front lines tend to go to different countries. And rather than going to peaceful dating dungeons like this, they go to many different dungeons with overwhelmingly strong monsters.
It makes sense for someone to have found something like this in one of those.
“Can you do something about this lock?”
“I appreciate the trust you have in me, master, but have you gotten a good look at this lock?”
“No, I gave up when I saw I couldn’t move it… Is there a problem?”
“Yes. This is shaped like a lock, but there is no keyhole.”
I look at it again, and sure enough, there’s no keyhole or number lock. It looks like a lock, so I just assumed it had it, and didn’t even check…
But then how do we open it?
“…Are we supposed to break it?”
“I would not recommend that. I can tell by touching it that this is no simple metal. But I think you might be able to figure something out, master.”
“True Appraisal. Your skill might be able to see things regular Appraisal does not show.”
Yes, True Appraisal is great at showing me information about things that couldn’t be investigated without it.
“Ah… Having a skill is pointless if you don’t know when to use it…”
“But that is why we are here. Do not be afraid to rely on us.”
“That’s right, we’re a team. When you can’t do something, we’ll cover for you.”
“Yes, we will do our best to support you. And in return, please keep us safe.”
“I don’t know what I can do, but I will do my best!”
“…Thanks everyone.”
Let’s do it then.
“True Appraisal.”
Name: 810-2-1
Description: ??? placed on the second floor of the 810 dungeon. Offer the appropriate false image
“Don’t answer a mystery with a mystery…”
“But we did learn something.”
“Yes. Judging by its name, there might be more on other floors of other dungeons.”
“Yes. It would be hard to find this treasure chest here, so there might be others hidden.”
“So, in the beginner dungeon and Unlucky Hall too?”
“I think so.”
That’s a little shocking.
No one knows more about Unlucky Hall than me. And yet, it might still have secrets.
But that actually makes me happy.
“And judging by this pattern on the treasure chest, this false image in the description should be…”
“Yes, probably those things Shouta here has been collecting.”
“Yep, those.”
Everyone’s mincing words, and Ayane suddenly figures it out.
“The trophies!”
She’s happy like she found something hidden, and shows it with her whole body.
She’s so cute, that I pat her head without thinking.
“So I need the Death Crab trophy? The problem is that they are the type to spawn on the spot…”
“Maybe the last monster was taken down in the spawn point, or maybe each beach is a different spawn point. Maybe it’s something else…”
“Let’s leave that for another time. It’s getting late.”
“Good job, Shouta.”
“Time to go!”
“I had fun today!”
We leave the Heart Dungeon, ending our date on the second floor.
“We’re ba…”
We’re greeted by a dazzling light when we get home.
“Ooh, so they really sprouted well.”
“I guess we really wouldn’t want the neighbors to see this.”
“Good job, Aira.”
“Fufu, thank you, you two.”
The nine golden seeds all grew and have a total of twenty-two fruits.
The big ones on the other hand are growing, but have no fruit.
“Maybe they need another day. Let’s just water them later…”
First, I want to harvest.
『Physical Strength +2』
『Physical Strength +3』x3
『Dexterity +2』x2
『Dexterity +3』x2
『Constitution +2』
『Constitution +3』x2
『Agility +2』x2
『Agility +3』
『Magic Power +2』
『Magic Power +3』x3
『Intelligence +2』x2
『Intelligence +3』x2
I give them to Ayane and Aira.
Ayane gets Constitution +8, Magic Power +11, and Intelligence +10.
Aira gets Physical Strength +11, Dexterity +10, and Agility +7
Not too bad.
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Enjoy a nice weekend, and thanks for the treat.
Those golden seeds are so crappy. Ayane and Aira get more from 2 level ups.
They get more from level ups but that means that when they get SP, they don’t have to use them on those stats and can put more in other stats.
It’s also literally free power that doesn’t hamper your future progress (like actually leveling up would do, by slowing down further leveling).