Level Gacha ~ It turns out the dump stat 『Luck』 is the most important – Roll 133 – Exploring in the sea

“There’s the effect of Command III too, but I’ve been growing so fast lately, that all my stats are over two thousand.”

“Amazing. That’s amazing!”

“Fufu, You overtook me quickly.”

“Au, at this rate, I’m not going to be able to help you, darling…”

“Perhaps I should resign as well.”

Both look down, as if they planned this beforehand.

Actually, Ayane sounds serious, but Aira? She knows, doesn’t she?

“What are you talking about? No matter how strong I get, I’ll have to rely on Aira, and I can’t imagine not having Ayane. Sorry, but you’re not going anywhere. Stop it with those delusions of retiring.”

There’s a limit to how much one person can do, no matter how strong he gets.

Magic, skills, fighting styles, what one person can think of is confined to their own world. And I can’t leave them behind anyway. They’ll be my leftovers, but they’re going to keep getting skills, and those golden seeds too.

Also, because of our range of activity, there must be dungeons, unknown skills, and items in this world that are waiting to be discovered. Honestly, I’m not worried about them not being strong enough.

“Yes darling!”

“I will serve you with all my heart.”

“Yes. Well then, let’s have another look at the skills we got. I was thinking something like sense of touch would come next, but it looks like it stopped at taste.”

Vision, hearing, smelling, and tasting all appeared, so I figured that would be next… Was I wrong?

“Darling, only four of those sense enhancing skills have ever been found.”

“Eh? Really?”

“Although four senses sounds bad, so they are still called skills of the five senses.”

“So darling, do you want to check if you can use Compression with Magic Energy Recovery?”

“Ooh, that’s right. I forgot again… Thanks Ayane.”

I’ve been rolling the gacha too much and learning so many skills, that I can’t keep up.

It’s nice to have girlfriends who do that for me.

‘Will you use Skill Compression?’


‘Searching for applicable skills.’

‘Applicable skills confirmed.’

‘Compressing applicable skills…’

‘Compression of applicable skill successful.’

‘Compressed SR skills Vision Strengthening, Hearing Strengthening, Olfaction Strengthening, and Palate Strengthening into UR skill Perception Strengthening. The applicable skills won’t appear in their former rank going forward.’

‘Compression of applicable skill successful.’

‘Compressed SSR skill Magic Energy Recovery LvMAX into UR skill Magic Energy Super Recovery Lv1. The applicable skill won’t appear in its former rank going forward.’


I tell them about the two skills I learned.

Sure enough, neither has ever been discovered. They’re happy for me, but…

I’ve been thinking about this lately, but there are too many undiscovered skills, aren’t there?

I feel like there’s too little information that’s been found in these last ten years. I guess that’s just how different Level Gacha is, but it’s weird for skills that drop in dungeons that aren’t that hard go undiscovered.

I feel like information is being purposely withheld.

When I say that, Aira smiles.

“Was that your Intuition talking, master?”

“No, it’s more like just a feeling… But if you’re saying that…”

“Yes. Most information in your smartphone is limited within the country, and it is also information disclosed voluntarily. When it comes to foreign information, only some, inoffensive information makes it here. Skills investigated by the association are also not in here.”

“I get the association’s circumstances, but why…”

“Master, no matter where they are, humans are greedy creatures. Ten years ago, when dungeons appeared all over the world, a tenth of the population died to the flood that ensued. After this, monsters were seen as enemies to everyone in this world, but that tragedy is in the past. Most have gotten over it and rebuilt, and every country is in the process of getting its power back.”


“It would be ideal to join forces and stay together forever, but… Many countries are trapped by selfishness.”

“…And so, many keep information to themselves?”


I knew people and teams kept information to themselves, but whole countries suppressing it? I mean…

“It sounds stupid.”

“That is what this world is like. They must think about after the turmoil with the dungeons is stabilized. What to do with the knowledge they monopolize.”

“There’s no guarantee at all that it will stop at the ten year mark… It’s sad.”

“…But Ayane, maybe your mother works in those kinds of negotiations.”

It wouldn’t surprise me if someone who knows so much was making deals with parties related to dungeons outside the country.

“My mother does a lot. Including what you’re thinking.”

“…That’s why she thinks Luck is important.”

She might be more incredible than I thought. I need to make sure I don’t disappoint when I meet her.

I’m ready to help with that work, if it’s for my girlfriends’ sake.

“Well then, about the skills I got from compression. I can’t materialize them like spells, so I can’t use True Appraisal on them. Ah, that reminds me, Aira has two LvMAX skills. Do you want to see if we can evolve them?”

“Of course.”

“Then… Compression.”

I reach towards Aira and activate the skill, but there’s no response.

I try touching her, but nothing happens. This really only works on me or orbs.

“No good.”

“Too bad.”

“There is no issue.”

“Well then, Water Current Control… There’s something I want to try anyway, so let’s go in the sea. Use your Bubble Magic too.”


“I will join you.”


“So darling, what did you want to try?”

I can hear Ayane’s voice through the bubble.

We really can understand each other when we use Bubble Magic.

“First, I want to check if there’s a treasure chest on the western beach too. Then I want to check the monsters I saw here and there in the water, and take down a rare monster if I can.”

“Come to think of it, there were monsters in the sea when we approached the southern side. But I didn’t see any when you were fighting scissor crabs.”

“Apparently they were pretty deep. Aira, you have experience fighting underwater. How do you feel about bubble Magic?”

“It is quite good. It has the drawback of continuously using magic energy, but you uncovered how fast it uses it, so I assume it won’t be a problem if we are underwater for an hour.”

I can’t see these kinds of technique skills directly, but True Appraisal works on magic, so I can see details about their abilities. That means I can easily see what they do even without testing them.

Bubble Armor spends one magic energy point every ten seconds, so its cost and performance ratio is good. Ayane and I have Magic Energy Recovery, so we recover more than that. We should get it for Aira too.

“Oh, that?”

We look around, and see fish swimming gracefully, but there is clearly a conspicuous monster among them. Maybe it’s because of Perception Strengthening, but I can see it pretty far away, and it’s clearly bigger than the small fish. It’s big, probably about the size of coelacanths.

And the map also shows that it really is a monster.

“Bingo. Now what’s its face like?”

I haven’t tried it yet, but if my range of vision is wider, maybe the effective range of Automatic Mapping is bigger too.

I think it heard me, because it’s slowly turning this way.



Name:Man-faced fish


Physical Strength:120




Magic Power:0



Equipment: None


Drops: Seaman bloodstone

Magic stone: Minuscule


‘Oh oh!’

It has the body of a coelacanths, and the face of an old man.

Its groans are distinct too, so I see. This really is a monster…

“No, it’s just gross!”

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 month ago

Thanks for the treat. 👍