My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 401 – The girl and the king writing to each other – Part one

To Lerunda, the miko

Hello, I am Shuongalve Saff Rezzed, the king of the Kingdom of Rezzed, of the Confederation of Saff.

Firstly, allow me to thank you for choosing to establish a relationship with the Kingdom of Rezzed. We hold a tricky position even within the confederation, so it might not be a great thing for you to establish relations with us. But since you treated my younger brother well, I am happy to have come in contact with you.

It’s unfortunate that my position as a king prevents me from greeting you directly, but I decided to send you a letter, so we can correspond to each other if you like.

I would like to get along with you both as a king, and as a person.

Shuongalve Saff Rezzed

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“I brought a letter from my brother. It’s the first letter, so he said he wrote it in a formal way, even if it would be more like him if it was more loose. Do you have a problem with a more casual way of speaking?”

Mister Delaigal is here with a letter from his older brother, the king of Rezzed.

He has a smile on his face that really shows how much he cares about his brother.

“More casual is better.”

I say, and Mister Delaigal says with a smile that we’ll tell that to his older brother.

Mister Delaigal’s brother Mister Shuongalve sounds like a serious person. I’m younger than him, and even though I’m the miko, I think the most important person in a country should be able to send letters more casually.

“My brother talked about writing to the miko in a more friendly manner, but after thinking it over, it turned out like this. It’s just like my brother.”

“You sound happy, Mister Delaigal.”

“I am. I got him to write a letter for me too.”

Mister Delaigal is happy that Mister Shuongalve wrote him a letter. I can really tell that these two brothers get along very well, and that puts a smile on my face too.

Miss Lan and the others are worried when I talk to Mister Delaigal, and don’t let me talk to him alone.

There are always spirits, gryphons, or someone like Gaius with me. One thing that I get when talking to Mister Delaigal is that anyone who is an enemy of his brother is his enemy too.

…It’s like he is his number one priority.

I just received a letter from Mister Shuongalve, but I’ve never met him, so I don’t really know him. But Mister Delaigal loves him so much, that he’ll tell me about him if I ask.

Of course, there’s information about the kingdom that he can’t reveal, but he tells me what kind of person he is, and things that happened with him.

And it’s not just him, I can tell that everyone that came with him from Rezzed really cares about Mister Shuongalve. He must be really incredible, to be respected this much. And the more I talk to Mister Delaigal, the more I feel that way.

He can draw people to him and do all sorts of things… He sounds like a very captivating person. Everyone I see from Rezzed seems very loyal to him.

“I want to meet him too one day.”

“My brother also wants to meet you. If it were up to me, I would do whatever I needed to bring him, like using body doubles, but he says we shouldn’t.”

…Mister Delaigal sounds serious.

Mister Shuongalve is the king of Rezzed in the Confederation of Saff. I’m sure someone like him can’t just go where he wants. Not to mention that Mister Shuongalve coming here would probably have all sorts of impacts elsewhere.

But despite knowing all that, Mister Delaigal would really bring him here if that was what he wanted. It’s like his big brother is more important to him than anything that might happen.

I want to meet him someday. I don’t know when or how, but I have the feeling I will.

And as I think about that, I start writing him a letter.

I don’t really know what to write to someone I’ve never met. Mister Delaigal says I should write whatever I want, but… I should start by introducing myself.

—The girl and the king writing to each other

(The miko receives a letter from the king)

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