My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 404 – The girl and the king writing to each other – Part four

To the miko, Lerunda.

Thank you for your letter. It was filled with many interesting things.

I’ve been hearing a lot about your village from Delaigal, but I also want to see it someday. I’m sure there are many things I have never seen.

I also want you to meet the citizens of my country, who I’m so proud of.

Also, about love. I have little experience with that. Pretty much just a girl I got along with before. I was the son of the king, so it was hard for me to think about marrying someone.

You said you’re free to marry who you like, right? Then you should do what you want.

Maybe it would be good to decide that while your village is still just a village. If it becomes known as a country, and that you are the miko, it might become hard for you to be with who you want.

It won’t be a problem if who you pick is someone great, but… It might be tough.

Miko and king might be different positions, but I think they have a lot in common. If you don’t have anyone to talk to about this sort of thing, you can turn to me.

We’ve never actually met, so that might make it easier for you to talk. Then again, we might have met by the time you need to talk about that.

Shuongalve Saff Rezzed

This is the letter I received from Mister Shuongalve.

The not very formal way he writes is like… A nice big brother. I like it.

Even if we’re just sending letters, it feels like he’s a nice person.

I get why Mister Delaigal adores him so much. It’s like there’s no unpleasantness to him. Like I can tell his character from his letter.

“Hm. I hear you asked my older brother about love.”

“Yes, just a little. Do you like anyone, Mister Delaigal?”

“Not really. Even if I got married, I imagine my older brother would come first.”

“I see. That’s just like you…”

“I think that’s fine. A lot of people act crazy when they’re in love.”

I’m chatting with Mister Delaigal, who delivered the letter.

He really sees things clearly.

By the way, Mister Shuongalve has never mentioned it in his letters, but Mister Delaigal says he’s really busy.

Apparently things are still tense between the Confederation of Saff and the country where I lived, the Kingdom of Fairytrof.

War is something that makes me scared just thinking about it. People fight each other, and die…

I don’t know about this kind of fighting. I don’t know about people killing each other. I hope it doesn’t happen, but I’m sure it’s the sort of thing that’s always happening somewhere.

I think there’s a chance something that scary might happen even in the place where I live.

“There’s still confusion in the Confederation of Saff?”

“Yes, it’s still going on. In fact, it might be good for my brother to end the confederation itself, but he doesn’t like the idea.”


“Yes. My older brother is a great person, so he could increase the population of the kingdom and turn it into a greater one. The people of Rezzed would give him all the help he needs.”

He sounds happy while saying that.

Mister Shuongalve is a proper king, but not the type to take things higher, even if other people around him do.

“But this village is expected to grow bigger, right?”

“Yes, we need to make it so we don’t lose anyone. That’s why we need to be stronger.”

“You’re not like my older brother, miko. You are special and respected by people around you, but despite the similarities, you’re different. I’m sure you would accept the idea of having more people and expanding your domain, right?”

“Yes. If that happened… I would talk to everyone about it. And if they agreed, we’d accept it.

Of course, we wouldn’t do that if it looked very hard.”

“I’m sure the village would agree if you so decided. That’s how special the miko is here.”

Mister Delaigal says Rezzed is continuing as it was.

I’m sure this is one of the reasons why Mister Delaigal respects Mister Shuongalve so much.

—The girl and the king writing to each other – Part four

(The miko exchanges letters with the king, and talks to his brother.)

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