My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 407 – Girl and Rezzed – Part one

“Mister Shuongalve was attacked…!”

I’m surprised when I hear that from someone who looks like he’s panicking.

My life has been through a lot of changes after I was abandoned. I’ve experienced a lot of new things, including dangers.

But the dangers never stayed forever, and things have been peaceful lately.

…Mister Shuongalve didn’t write about that, but apparently he was in trouble all this time.

I’m sure he’s been going through a lot of trouble, even if we didn’t know… But the people of Rezzed never asked for help. I think there were scattered causes here and there that slowly accumulated and led to this.

But still, he has been doing his best, and it led… To this.

“Is he all right…?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure Prince Delaigal is doing something. I’m sure he will save King Shuongalve.”

It sounds like they really trust Mister Delaigal and Mister Shuongalve.

They really believe they will get over anything. I guess that’s why he has this light in his eyes, without despair. The country of Rezzed sounds incredible.

I think other countries or settlements would be panicking more. I sure would be.

But they’re not.

“I see… But how do you want us to help?”

I ask with prudence. I can’t just promise something on my own and trouble everyone.

One action from me might change something, but that includes the future of the people of this village, so I can’t just simply decide things.

“That would come into play after King Shuongalve is saved. In light of this current situation, we are going to have to change… And we would like you to receive us when that happens.”


“Yes. The decision falls on King Shuongalve and Prince Delaigal, but I believe there will be people who will want to move from Rezzed to this village. We want to talk about that beforehand.

Also, depending on how King Shuongalve is doing, we would like him to stay here and recover. Although we are not sure of this yet…”

From what I’m hearing, they’re dealing with whatever comes when it happens. I think it’s impressive.

Also, if Mister Shuongalve is in danger, the safety of people living there is important.

In our village, there are only the people we know, and it’s a lot less than the settlements called countries.

Also, there are people that can fight, and people that can’t. In fact, I’d imagine most people in Rezzed can’t.

Everyone I’ve met from Rezzed respects Mister Shuongalve, and it feels like they’d all give their lives for him. I don’t know about the people I haven’t met though.

I think a lot of people there will want to take refuge. And it’s important for Mister Shuongalve to recover in a safe place. But even after he’s no longer in danger, there might be after-effects. He could very well die too.

I don’t want that…

I’ve never met him, but I can tell what he’s like from the letters and what Mister Delaigal tells me.

Maybe he’ll be different when I actually meet him, but I think I’d still like to talk to him.

“I can’t decide on my own, but at the very least, I’d like to help. We’re going to have to talk to everyone, is that all right?”

“Of course, Miss miko.”

Says someone from Rezzed.

I don’t feel any hostility from the people of Rezzed, so that’s good. I hope the others feel the same way, but I can’t be sure at this point.

The people that came from Rezzed are going to rest here, and I’d like to confirm that Mister Shuongalve is safe in the meantime… I’ll just offer a small prayer for his safety.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part one

(The miko hears about the king’s peril from the people of Rezzed.)

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