My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 408 – Girl and Rezzed – Part two

I want to help the Kingdom of Rezzed if I can. I think a big part of that is because of Mister Shuongalve and Mister Delaigal.

The people of Rezzed that came here are resting, but they’re also being watched, to see if they do anything suspicious.

But still, there are a lot of ideas about how to deal with this. But what’s the best option? We won’t know for a long time if we made the right choice.

It’s tough…

“This business about the Kingdom of Rezzed is complicated… I have a good impression of Delaigal and the people of Rezzed, and Shuongalve seems like a nice person, based on the letters Lerunda has shown me.”

“Yes, I agree.”

Everyone’s come together to discuss this, including Miss Lan. She doesn’t have bad feelings about them either.

Of course, we’re still cautious… But it’s true that we have a good feeling about them.

“I’ve talked to the people of Rezzed that have come here, and they seem nice. And I’ve never met him, but it’s impressive how everyone likes the king so much.

I think it’s natural to want to save friends when something happens, and I wish I could help, but…”

Says Gaius, as he looks at Miss Lan and Mister Dongu.

I think everyone feels the same way. I get that when someone important is in trouble, everyone around them will want to help.

…But we can’t just do something half-hearted either. If we’re going to help Rezzed, it’s important to know what we’re doing.

“I don’t see a problem with helping them either.”

“No, if there’s a good chance that it will be a bad influence on the village, shouldn’t not helping be an option?”

“But after becoming this involved? And I want to build a good relationship with them too.”

“But what if it leads to this village becoming known…”

Everyone trades their opinions.

With this many people gathered, it makes sense to have a lot of opinions. Some people say it would be best for us not to help.

…But what would happen if it became known that we live here? Some people might come after me, the miko. And some people might want to take over this place. I don’t like any of that.

No one gets lost, no one gets hurt… But protecting everything is hard.

I’m not alone, I’m with everyone here, so it’s important to talk with everyone, even if it’s hard for everyone to agree.

But in the meantime, Mister Shuongalve is in danger. Or dead… It’s Mister Delaigal and the others’ role to save him. The people of Rezzed aren’t asking for help with that. What they want is help with what comes next.

…That’s impressive actually. They could be asking for more. They could be asking the miko something unreasonable. But it’s just like them to not do that.

And if they were asking for us to go to Rezzed to help, I’m sure more people would be against it.

If we can be friends, we should. But we have to wait until Mister Shuongalve is saved, and hear what he wants to do.

Him and his brother have been ruling a country for a lot longer than us. If we could be friends, maybe they could teach us some things about that.

“I understand why you would agree, and disagree. I don’t want everyone to be in danger either. I’d be sad if someone died. I know it’s not a simple decision, for our sake. But I… Wish we could help Rezzed. Of course, I’ll think about it if most people disagree, but I think that’s for the best.”

I say while the discussion is still going on, and everyone listens silently.

There are a lot of opinions going around, but I want to make sure my thoughts are clear.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part two

(The miko expresses her thoughts on Rezzed.)

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