My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 409 – Girl and Rezzed – Part three

After hearing what I said, everyone looks like they’re thinking.

I’m sure everyone has different thoughts. Some will agree and some… Will be thinking about the risks of helping.

“I understand what Lerunda is saying. I want to help them too. It might turn into something bad… But I think we can get through it if we talk about it well. But maybe it would be hard to save everyone.”

Gaius stands up next to me and keeps talking.

“We moved here so people important to us didn’t have to go through what happened with my father, and so we could create a place where everyone could smile, but if it’s possible I want to protect not just people here, but people from outside who are related to us too.

And if the village is going to get bigger and we’re going to have ties to outside… I think it would be good to help.”

He says, and I nod.

Our goal is to protect people important to us, but… That doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning everyone else.

…Maybe I’m being selfish. Instead of just looking after a few people, I want to help people outside if I can.

Yes, it’s a difficult problem, but both Gaius and I think it would be good for our future to protect people from outside the village.

A lot of that is swayed by emotions, but even putting that aside, I do think that saving Rezzed would be good for the village.

People start stating their views again. There are again some people who say we shouldn’t do it, but after a lot of discussion, we reach the conclusion of helping Rezzed with conditions attached.


I take a deep breath after the heated discussion.

There was so much said and so much to think about, that it feels like my head is spinning.

I’m the miko, so if I strongly said I want something to be a certain way, I’m sure people would do that. Everyone… Sees me as important. But I don’t want to do that. I think it’s nice that we reached a decision by discussing it.

I’m sure we’re going to keep discussing things like this, and clash too. Every time it happens my head’s going to be full like it is now. It’s kind of scary, and a little tiring.

But I still want to keep discussing things like this.

“I hope Mister Shuongalve is safe.”

“Yes. I’m sure he’s in a lot of trouble. I don’t want him to be in danger… And never get to meet him. I know what he’s like from the letters. And I’ve heard a lot from Mister Delaigal and the others from Rezzed, so I really want to meet him.”

I tell Gaius just how I feel.

I don’t know what he’ll be like in person, but I’m sure it would be fun to meet him.

“I’m also curious to see what he’s like. And how we end up helping depends on whether or not he’s still alive.”

“Yes. Everyone from Rezzed thinks really highly of him. I wonder what they would do if he passed away. They’d probably not forgive it.”

Maybe they’d act on their feelings from someone purposefully hurting someone they care about.

…I don’t want that to happen and for people to be hurting each other, but I’m sure if something sad happens, it will fall into that situation.

I hope my prayer helped Mister Shuongalve, even if a little bit.

The miko’s power isn’t absolute, so I don’t know… But I do hope he’s still alive.

“…Maybe. It would be hard to help if that happened. I hope things are peaceful, but it’d be bad if it turned into a big war.”

“Yes. It’d be best if Mister Shuongalve was all right.”

We still don’t know, and we can’t do anything until we do. But if I’m this nervous, and I only know him from letters, the people of Rezzed must be feeling a lot worse.

I wait for news, while feeling nervous like this.

And a few days after our discussion, we receive a report about Mister Shuongalve.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part three

(The miko’s village decides to help Rezzed as much as they can.)

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