My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 415 – Girl and Rezzed – Part nine

Mister Shuongalve’s wounds are healing. I’m happy that he’s feeling better.

…But I’m a little concerned about what Mister Shuongalve will say.

I don’t think he wants to trouble us, but some people here are wary of what he might say.

We’re a little closer, but people from Rezzed still aren’t totally our friends. I think that sense of caution is good too, because without it, you’re bound to fall into a dangerous situation.

“What Mister Shuongalve will say?”

Is the question I asked to Miss Lan.

Mister Nirushi and Mister Dongu are here too, along with elves like Mister Sileva.

It goes without saying that this is too much for me to handle. Mister Shuongalve also said I should tell this to the others.

I think it’s both because I’m thirteen, and because I don’t look like the type to decide things on my own. Maybe things would be different if I was, like Mister Shuongalve.

People decide things differently.

“I see. Firstly, Delai came back with a report, and apparently things are getting worse in Rezzed. I think Delai or I being there would change little, but I don’t want to not be there for the people that look up to me. I don’t want to abandon them, so I thought of something.”

Mister Shuongalve says as a preface, before continuing.

“We have been talking to the people of Rezzed, and with your permission, we would like to move here if we can.”


I’m surprised to hear that. It sounds like Mister Shuongalve wants to continue living in this village.

Does that mean he’s abandoning the land of Rezzed? We were chased from the beast people’s village by Migha, but these people would be leaving out of their own will.

“Will they agree to this?”

“We won’t bring the ones that don’t, it’s their choice. But most people typically agree with what me and Delai decide.

It’s not about land, people are what matters, and rather than staying there and seeing the situation get worse, we think it’s a lot better to come here and be with Lerunda, the miko.”

“Mister Shuongalve is a king, but what do you think of abandoning that title? You won’t be a king here. If you want to be with us, you’re going to decide things by talking it out with all of us.”

“That won’t be a problem. I’ve always thought the title of king was too much for me. Delai would do a much better job. Delai and the others say I should have more people under me and I should leave my name in history, but I don’t care about that. There’s only so much I can do.”

He says to Miss Lan with a smile.

I’m sure he means it. No matter how much people around him idolize him, he always sees things objectively from the point of view of what he can do.

“I don’t want to be your enemy, but what if some unavoidable circumstances come up from the point of view of another country that will make that happen?

The Kingdom of Rezzed is in trouble, and it would be hard to maintain it as it is now. Even if the problems within the confederation are solved, there will still be other causes for conflict. Relations with neighboring countries will be tricky too, because of what some countries in the confederation might do.

That’s why I want to bring people here. You can cut us down if we cause trouble. I will take responsibility and say we won’t do anything to trouble you all, but if we break that, then so be it.”

He says with a soft smile.

It sounds like he’s already made his decision, and they’re ready to come here if we agree.

But won’t he regret giving up being a king?

—Girl and Rezzed – Part nine

(The miko hears the decision of the King of Rezzed.)

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