My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 416 – Girl and Rezzed – Part ten

“If you accept us, we will increase the village’s fighting strength. My knights are pretty strong, if I may say so myself. And I believe myself, Delai, and my capable civil officials will be helpful in servicing this place.

Lerunda and the others will be in charge, but we can help. I also think it will be easier for me to operate if I come down from the highest place of a group. And… You want to make this place bigger, right?

Whether you want to be seen as a country by others around you, or live quietly and hidden, we the people of Rezzed can help. Delai is an incredible guy.”

Mister Shuongalve continues to promote himself and his people.

I can tell he means it. And he has no attachment to the position of king.

Even the fact that he’s willing to let that go shows that he cares more about people than land.

I think that’s a nice way to see things. And it’s incredible that he’s made that decision right away without thinking too much.

“What do you think?”

Asks Miss Lan to everyone here, including me.

Honestly, I think the answer has mostly been decided already.

We want to help them how we can. And if we don’t accept them… I’m sure they’ll just go back to Rezzed.

But then what would happen?

Picturing that makes my chest hurt. The whole reason why they want to bring their people here, is because there’s going to be trouble if they stay there.

A lot of people will get hurt, and die…

There’s no doubt about that. And I don’t want that to happen.

“…I want to accept them. I think it will be fun to live with the people of Rezzed. Of course, there might be problems too. Maybe fights will happen because of differences of opinion. But… I still think we should accept them.”

It’s hard to tell what will happen if we do. Even the miko can’t predict the future, so of course, I can’t help but be worried about it.

But still… I do think we should accept them.

We can’t quite call them our friends yet. We’re not in the same place yet.

But if they leave the Confederation of Saff and come here… I’ll be happy if we can move forward together.

After I speak, other people speak too.

“I agree with Lerunda. We already decided to get involved and help how we can, so I think we should take them in.”

“I think the people of Rezzed have good intentions, so we should help them. Their affiliation to Saff is causing them grief, so it’d be nice if they became our friends instead.”

“And as Mister Shuongalve said, there are a lot of merits to it.”

I’m glad people agree with me.

Even though there are worries and concerns, people still want us to accept the people of Rezzed.

Nothing in the world stays the same, everything changes slowly… Like this.

I think the people of Rezzed will bring a good change. And I’m sure that’s what the others have in mind too.

“Mister Shuongalve, we have decided to accept your proposal. But we will need time to settle on conditions. If talks don’t go well, we will need to adjust things again.”

Miss Lan acts as our representative, as she says that to Mister Shuongalve, and a smile forms on his face.

“I’m very grateful that you accepted. I promise we will work for the good of this place. Everyone will do so. I will contact Delai and the others right away.”

He says the others will be happy too.

I really hope we can accept the people of Rezzed with smiles.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part ten

(The miko hopes to accept the people of Rezzed with a smile.)

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