My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 419 – Girl and Rezzed – Part thirteen

The people of Rezzed are in a brand new place because of a bad situation, but no one’s complaining. They’re all just getting their new home in order.

Mister Shuongalve is working among them. People were all ‘how can we let King Shuongalve do this’ at first, but Mister Shuongalve sounds excited.

It makes me smile how it looks like he’s really having fun.

It’s because he can bring them all together that we can accept the people of Rezzed.

Sometimes I go see the place where they’ve been. They’ve been gradually getting more people, but everyone’s really quiet. Or rather, calm.

The Confederation of Saff only has humans, so I figured beast people, elves, and even people like Phyto with tattoos might seem odd to them. And then there’s the gryphons that formed contracts with me.

Watching people of Rezzed accept all that like it’s natural makes me feel that maybe it’s not that bad to get involved with people from outside our village. But I also think that it’s because it’s the people from Rezzed.

There are all sorts of people all over the world, so it’s not good to get too optimistic.

“Your place could be more like a town.”

Says Mister Shuongalve, as Gaius and I take him around the village.

“Like a town?”

“What do you mean?”

Gaius and I ask, and he laughs.

“More people from my country are going to come here, so you’re going to have more friends. I heard your goal is to have a place people can’t take away from you, so I think you should start from its form.

This is where the miko lives, so I figure things will work out even if people try to attack, but if people from outside see this place as something easy to attack, that alone creates an opening.”

Ever since they arrived, we’ve been hearing a lot from Mister Shuongalve.

There’s a lot he saw as the king of one of the countries of the Confederation of Saff.

I don’t really understand what he means by starting from its form, but it sounds important.

And the idea of people attacking because they think it’s easy… Is scary. I don’t even know what to think of people who would so easily take away a place important to the people living there.

But those people are out there.

“This place is a natural fortress because there are so many monsters around. I doubt many people would go out of their way to come here. Still, there might be people who want to take it for themselves if they know the miko lives here. Even just the fact that there’s a village here is important.

There are a lot of mysterious things here, so you should be prepared for that. You should probably have a castle, or something like the home of a feudal lord.”

“Castle or home of a feudal lord?”

“Yes. If this place is going to get bigger and have more people, those kinds of things would bring peace to them. Well, if that happens, you’d be this place’s representative, or its symbol.”

Maybe we should make something like that. But then I’d be the representative and live there? I don’t really get it. I feel like the most important person should live there.

“And I would live there?”

“I think that would be good. You don’t?”

“Well… I don’t think I’d be able to relax.”

“It’s not like you have to live there alone.”

“I see… So I could have a big place with everyone?”

“I think so.”

He says, and I smile.

If I lived in a place like that alone, I’d be lonely and I wouldn’t be at ease, but making a place to live with everyone might be nice.

And just like Mister Shuongalve says, the possibility of us being attacked is higher than zero.


I turn to him.

“If we make a place like that, let’s live together!!”

It would be nice if Gaius came along.

He starts fidgeting for some reason. Why is that?

Mister Shuongalve is looking at us like it’s funny.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part thirteen

(The miko hears a proposition of the King of Rezzed.)

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