My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 420 – Girl and Rezzed – Part fourteen

“A castle or a mansion? I think it could be good to build something like that. This place isn’t known to a lot of people yet, but we are going to have to become more involved with the outside world. And the idea of having such a building in this place seems interesting.”

Says Miss Lan, with her eyes shining.

After Gaius and I heard about that from Mister Shuongalve, we went to Miss Lan and the others right away to talk about building something like that.

I was wondering how they’d react, but Miss Lan likes the idea. Actually, it looks like everyone thinks that could work.

They say it could help our relations with the outside world. For example, if we do start talking to other people and they are taken to a small house, they might look down on us. That said, there are lots of things that can’t be judged by appearance alone.

But in the end, most people like the idea.

We take this opportunity to talk about putting this place in order. Building a castle or a mansion is part of it too, but we’re also going to improve other things too.

Needless to say, there are people among the ones from Rezzed that have jobs like builders and stuff like that, so we decide to talk to them to make our village better.

“We need to decide what we’re going to do exactly. Should we have lots of buildings? If we’re building a castle or a mansion, the buildings around it should match. And if we make more buildings than we can use, we’ll be ready for when more people come… Even if that has to happen slowly.

I don’t think the people of Rezzed will cause problems, but we need to be careful anyway.”

I say, while thinking about what we should do from now on.

There’s a lot to think about. More and more people from the Rezzed are coming, a few at a time, and if we take them in, this place won’t have the scale of a village anymore.

It might come with a bunch of problems, but I think it’s a good thing.

Suffice to say, building a big place like a castle or a mansion takes time. It’s going to end up being a long term project.

Come to think of it, Mister Hicked from Migha lives in a castle.

Obviously, they take the appearance into consideration, but it needs the functionality for when something happens, right? I don’t want to think about us being attacked, but we might be.

There’s also the fact that we need to make sure the people that will still be living here after I’m gone aren’t in danger.

I’m the miko, so I think that effect will stay in this land I love even after I’m dead, but I’m not absolutely sure. If we’re thinking about the future, we have to consider that too.

Hm… There’s so much to think about, that once I start thinking, it all feels like a lot of trouble.

“What should the castle look like?”

“The color, how it’s made, how many rooms…”

“We need to think about facilities for the rooms too.”

“And make sure the gryphons can enter.”

“How about building it around the spirit tree? I want to prevent anyone from harming the spirit tree.”

A lot of people favor a castle over a mansion. It has the advantage of becoming a symbol of this place, and we want to turn it into a country too.

This is a big step forward. I don’t know a lot about castles because I’ve only seen the one in Migha, but I wonder how they’re built.

We have no way of knowing if the spirit tree will be attacked by a monster like before, and even though few people can even see spirits, I want to avoid people trying to use them.

And when we add the gryphons, this place really has a lot of rare beings.

There are races with long lifespans who will stay here even after I’m dead, so I want it to be something everyone will like.

Mister Douroean flies by once in a while, so I think it would be nice if we made it so we can watch him too.

After hearing our wishes, people of Rezzed that can assist us because of their occupations help us draft blueprints.

Apparently it’s good to have those, and know how big we want to make the castle.

If we just think about it and try to make it like we imagined it, there’s going to be lots of errors later.

People are going to present different options, and then we’ll pick one.

…Yes, this is really exciting.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part fourteen

(The miko talks about a castle with everyone.)

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