My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 421 – Girl and Rezzed – Part fifteen

I don’t know what option is the best. I’m told I can just pick one, because I can see spirits and I’m the reason why the spirit tree is here.

People also say if the miko picks it, that should influence the construction favorably.

Before we start building the castle, I go see Mister Douroean.

He might be surprised to see it all of a sudden, so I go with Gaius, Doanea, the gryphons, and Mister Villa.

I tell him about us receiving the people of Rezzed, and building a castle. He’s been alive for a long time, and he seems to be looking forward to seeing a castle in this place.

“That castle should have a place where I can stop.”

He says. It will be a big building, so I think that’s possible. And thinking about that grand, marvelous sight makes me excited.

Should we make it in a high place?

We talked about building the castle around the spirit tree, so should we make a place where he can stop next to it?

There should be one for Doanea to use in the future too. Even though I’m sure it’s going to take a long time for Doanea to get as big as Mister Douroean.

A place for the winged people to land easily could be nice too.

Thinking about this stuff really makes me excited.

“Mister Douroean, a lot of new people are coming, so I’ll explain things to them so they don’t get scared. The people of Rezzed will help when we build the castle.”

The plan is for everyone to help, but we’re going to need a lot of it from the craftsmen of Rezzed, so we need to make sure they know.

“I don’t mind, but can you trust these outsiders?”

“Yes, it’s all right. Mister Shuongalve and Mister Delaigal are keeping them together. I think if it was people from somewhere else that came to our village there would be more confusion, but those two are great.”

I say to Mister Douroean, who sounds worried. He still seems worried though, and says he’ll fly over our village as a threat.

He said that if people see we’re friends, anyone who wants to cause trouble will think again.

The gryphons have that role too apparently. From the people of Rezzed’s point of view, the gryphons, Scifo, Doanea, the spirits… They’re all beings they shouldn’t mess with.

But there’s also the fact that Mister Shuongalve declared that people should do nothing to antagonize the miko.

“It’s exciting how with more people from Rezzed, we’re turning into a country.”

“Yes, it seems your wish might come true.”

“Yes, my wish and Gaius’ is slowly coming true.”

I say to Mister Douroean, involving Gaius, who has been quiet this whole time.

“Yes, that’s true. It doesn’t feel real… But it’s nice.”

“I agree. We’ll have lots more humans with the people of Rezzed coming, but… I think it’d be nice if we accepted troubled beast people, elves, or other races too.”

We can’t take all of them at once, or our precious place might be destroyed. In the end, the people living with me are what’s most important.

But if we can, it’d be nice to talk to troubled people and help them.

And make a place where we can all smile together, and not lose anyone.

I think that is a way point too, not an end in itself, and even after we get there, we’ll have to keep going.

“Yes. With all the different races, and beings like the gryphons, it might look weird to people who aren’t from there. But I’m sure there are also people from places where that’s normal.”

Talking to Gaius makes me look forward to meeting more, different people.

Once the castle is done and our village looks more like a town, people might start to discover it.

That might also mean some people could come after me, the spirit tree, or our precious home too.

…We need to be ready to fight them off if we have to.

“What is it, Lerunda?”

“If we build a castle, people might be able to see it from far away. I’m a little worried.”

I say to Mister Douroean, and he simply says it will work out.

We keep talking for a while, and then we leave. And after talking again about what to do about the castle, construction starts.

—Girl and Rezzed – Part fifteen

(The miko starts building a castle in her home.)

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