In the end, Miss Miriel’s meddling makes Miss Sheryl’s anger explode, so we decide to call it for the day. As we leave Mister Giarth’s…
Tag: webnovel
【Till’s point of view】 As I tended to the flower beds in the garden of the mansion, I received word that Nero had come to…
Crossing blades and continuing to attach the effect leads me to learn a couple of things. First, the Hellfire effect on cerberus’ claws is weaker…
“Listen Mizari. Keep your opponent’s attention on your left jabs, and just as he’s forgotten you have a right arm, hit him with it. Even…
“It was only a small impetus. She didn’t realize it, but Mizari had that light to begin with. What she needed the most to achieve…
The moment the magic is gone, we see four cerberus. One of them is disappearing, so it looks like it shielded the others. But when…
“There’s the effect of Command III too, but I’ve been growing so fast lately, that all my stats are over two thousand.” “Amazing. That’s amazing!”…
Nero got mad and left, but it’s not like that’s unreasonable. He was just looking out for Iris, and I screwed it up by speaking.…
The ninety-ninth floor. We’re ready for a long fight with cerberus, but we’re not going for a long fight right off the start. Experience tells…
After Brynhildr’s suggestion, it’s decided that Miss Miriel and the others will be coming to the north, but all the great spirits being gathered in…