The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 47 – Let’s talk!!

I can see the camp, and Roa running towards us.

“Master Rust, this way!”

Roa says while pointing her spear in the opposite direction of where we came from.

“What will you do Ahri? If you’re not feeling well…”

I say while jumping off Hipopo.

“I will go with you. Let me see it through.”

I nod silently and follow Roa into the camp.

“Be careful Master Rust. I sense an evil presence in him.”

Roa says while we run.

Something evil? Did she see something with her power of transparency?

I’m about to ask this when I finally see Rihalzam.

Someone wearing a jet-black full plate armor is standing between him and the entrance to the camp, with her back turned to me.

“Lady Kalin!”

Calls out Ahri.

Kalin is holding her sheathed sword, which is about as big as she is. The tip is buried in the ground, and she’s standing like she’s blocking him from entering.

“Rust, you’re here.”

Kalin sounds relieved.

If what Ahri said is true, a master rank alchemist like Rihalzam might be a lot for Kalin to handle, since she specializes in physical combat.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Let me take over.”

I signal with my eyes for Kalin, Roa, and Ahri to stand back, and I stand in front of Rihalzam.

“Hey Master Rust, finally!”

He says with the same annoying voice as before.

“…What is your business here, Master Rihalzam?”

I ask. It looks like he’s holding back from looking at me with the same contempt as always, and he’s glaring at me. For some reason he’s tattered and kind of stinks.

“Master Rust, listen and rejoice. The alchemist association is officially bringing back the basic research department. The president has offered you the chance to once again work in the prestigious alchemist association. Aren’t you happy? Isn’t it an honor? Come on, let’s go back…”

Rihalzam starts spouting nonsense.

“Eh, no way.”

It’s so nonsensical, that I end up just blurting out exactly what I’m thinking.


For some reason he also looks confused.

“I quit because I wanted to quit. Sure, it all started with the basic research department being disbanded, but I feel like I can really advance my research here. And I have a generous budget too, so if that’s all you’re here to say, please leave.”

I try to tell him why I won’t go back, but he just faces down and starts trembling.

I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he bursts out laughing all of a sudden.

“Gufuh. Gufufafafafa! Ah… Haha!”

I’m cautious, because it looks like he’s going crazy, and the creepy evil laughter finally stops.

“Ah, so it can’t be helped. Ah, it can’t be helped, right? It really can’t be helped… Rust, I’m gonna crush you! 《Activate》”

Rihalzam’s face distorts, like the fury he was holding back is bursting out, and he activates a scroll.

“Everyone stand back further! 《Activate》”

I have a scroll ready to be activated too, thanks to Ahri’s warning.

I don’t understand Rihalzam’s sudden change, but I’m going to have to leave that question for later.

“Rihalzam! You know it’s forbidden for master alchemists to fight to the death, right!? Best case scenario, you’ll lose your alchemist qualifications! You know that, right!?”

I shout, trying to reason with him one last time.

“Guoh! Ahh! I’m not leaving any witnesses!”

Rihalzam pulls his left arm out of his scroll, covered with giant mushroom transmuted beast parasites, and attacks me.

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1 month ago

I guess the monster left in his wound got into his brain and did a lot of damage.