Walking in another world – Chapter 360 – Divine realm – Part five

I need strong magic, so I combine Firestorm and Stone Shower.

I’m just picking those because both Fire Magic and Earth Magic are at level ten, but the result is a spell called Meteo.

I don’t know how that happened, but it looks strong, so I’m using it.

Some of the demons, including Ou, are also going to attack.

“Are you ready?”

Asks Ou, and everyone, including me, nods. Ou raises his staff, which serves as the signal.

“Fire Lance!”



“Dark Fire!”


After the signal, names of spells fly all over.

Everything is activated at once, and rushes towards the box.

But just as I’m worried, thinking if they’ll reach it, the spells disappear one after the other.

Some look like they’re hitting a barrier, and I see intense sparks flying around. But they can’t break through, and explode.

The intense vibrations make Elizabeth stumble, but she manages to hold on.

“…It appears to absorb weak magic. Or maybe it becomes energy for the barrier. Only you young man and… Prepare magic again. The others, remain vigilant, or support Ignis…”

Before Ou can finish, we’re hit with a magic attack from Elizabeth.

The demons, who haven’t yet started to prepare an attack, put up magic energy shields, and block it.

As Elizabeth sees this, she tries to come this way, but Ignis and the others stop her.

“Second volley!”

Signals Ou, and this time, four people fire magic, including me.

But again, it hits the barrier, and doesn’t break through. But unlike the first time, did the barrier crack?

Elizabeth looks impatient when she sees it.

“Keep the pressure up!”

Before Ou lets those words out, magic is already being fired.

And then, we hear the sound of the barrier shattering.

“Focus your attacks!”

Now the demons that were watching our surroundings are firing magic too.

No one hesitates to follow Ou’s sudden command, and magic is swiftly fired.

We can do it! But just after I think that, I feel powerful magic energy activating just before our magic can reach.

It’s the barrier being constructed again.

The barrier that was supposed to be gone came back right in front of our eyes. It’s even visible to the naked eye.

And I also definitely feel the fluctuation of magic energy coming from that transparent box.

Ou is right, the magic energy stored in that box is doing something. I’m sure it’s also the reason for Elizabeth’s super fast recovery.

I look at Elizabeth, and she seems to be enjoying our dumbfounded expressions.

Did she do that on purpose, despite being able to block our magic all along?

I thought Ignis and the others had the momentum on their side, but they’re slowly being pushed back. I think the battle being prolonged is having an effect on their stamina.

Elizabeth on the other hand, shows no signs at all of being tired.

“How unfortunate, isn’t it? Did you think that would beat me?”

Elizabeth has a very unconcerned expression on her face, and with a swing of her spear, flings away Ignis and the other demons surrounding her, while looking triumphantly at this tired side.

We’re out of options. That’s what the air of despair around me feels like.

Ou is trembling too, but doesn’t say anything. He’s just looking at that film barrier.

But why did Elizabeth purposefully make that barrier visible?

To make the difference in our power more apparent? To enjoy our reactions as we lose hope?

There’s one thing that sticks out to me, and that’s that impatient expression she showed earlier.

I don’t think she was acting. If she was, she’s a fantastic actress.

And when I felt that fluctuation of magic energy, the things in that box did decrease.

When it’s all gone, it’s over for Elizabeth.

There’s no doubt that she has a considerable stock. And it didn’t go down that much when she rebuilt the barrier.

But what if we hurt her directly? No, I can’t cut her with my sword. If only she was using a sword and not a spear… But if that’s the case, can’t I just switch weapons?

A weapon I can use without getting in range of the spear… Isn’t there one that saved me on multiple occasions?

I take out a gun from my Item Box, and formulate a strategy.

First, I check if I can use Replication on it, and once I’m done, I replicate mithril in my hand so Elizabeth can’t see it. Then I work them into bullets.

It’s all going without a hitch, although I can’t maintain them for long.

And it being what it is, spends a lot of MP to replicate.

But I think this will work, so I use Telepathy.

‘I have a plan. Sorry, but attract Elizabeth’s attention.’

Ignis hears my telepathic message, and quietly moves out again.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 year ago

Thanks for the treat.

11 months ago

This seemed like quite a short chapter compared to the last one. Someone from the last chapter is comment was right he’s going for the gun nice to see at last