Walking in another world – Chapter 388 – Reunion – Part three

“I think that might be fine then.”

Argo says in response.

“Richend went to him to teach him a lesson.”

Says Guilford.

Apparently he’s ridiculously strong, to the point where even S rank adventurers that Argo and his party know were completely outmatched against him.

Should we just bind the masked woman’s arms behind her back for now?

“Chris, how do we make it so someone can’t use spirit magic?”

“An experienced person can cast spells even without verbalizing them, so there might be no way to prevent it.”

There isn’t?

“Then let’s use this binding tool. Apparently it’s an item that can restrict magic use.”


“A young lady named Ryuryu left it with me. Said it might come in handy.”

Says Argo, who then equips it on the masked woman while talking with Guilford.

It sounds like the beast people attacking this country know a lot about this place. Did Ignis and the other demons share information with them?

Chris is watching closely, just in case something happens.

“Sora, can you give me a hand?”

Rurika says as she watches the other elf.

I gave her a full potion, and she’s using it on her, but is something wrong?

“The full potion isn’t working?”

“…I think her complexion is better, but it doesn’t look like her condition is improving.”

Rurika is right. She doesn’t seem to be getting any better or worse.

Name – (Karina) / Job – (Sorcerer) / Level – (42) / Race – (Elf) / Condition – (Weakness – Binding Spell)

Binding Spell? Is that like a curse?

I don’t know, but let’s try casting Recovery.


I chant, and after the elf’s body is enveloped in a bright light, the Binding Spell disappears.

And at the same time, the elf… Karina, reacts.

She opens her eyes and looks faintly at the ceiling. It’s like she’s still half asleep.

Eventually her eyes move over to Rurika, and then to me, and she tries to whisper something.

I give Rurika some water, and she holds Karina’s back as she sits her up, and lets her drink slowly while rubbing her back.

She could’ve let Karina drink by herself, but apparently it’s not easy for her to move.

“Thank you.”

It looks like drinking water calmed her down, and she asks who we are.

“We… Are enemies of this country, I guess?”

“Sora, you’re just troubling her more. We… Came here to save someone being held by the Kingdom of Elesya.”

“I see… But the others besides us are already…”

Tears fall from Karina’s eyes.

I’m scared of asking her to continue, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what she was trying to say.

I heard it takes a lot of magic energy to summon people from another world. And although there were only two people there, there were lots of empty cells.

I’m sure they were occupied by other people they captured.

“Oh, is the other one all right? Miss Morrigan was trying to keep my spirits up to the very end!”

When Rurika hears that, she stops.

Chris, then Sera,turn this way, and slowly walk over to us.

Their expressions are completely blank.

“…Please tell us more.”

Chris struggles to say that, and Karina reluctantly nods.

“I don’t know how long ago it was, but we were gathered in an open area with a magic circle. There were many people that looked like sorcerers around it, and they were chanting some sort of spell.”

She then stops. It’s like she’s afraid to say anymore.

“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Chris, let’s leave it be for now.”

Karina just woke up.

I get how they feel, but it feels to me like if we put pressure on Karina like this, she’s the one that’s going to break.

Chris wavers but… Nods. And once they see that, Rurika and Sera exhale like they’re letting go of their tension.

But Karina is surprised when she looks at Chris.

“An elf? Are you by any chance Chris?”

Now it’s Chris who looks surprised. And so does Rurika, and Sera, and me.

Does she know Chris? I don’t think she does.

“I see… So it’s you…”

Karina closes her eyes, and makes up her mind to quietly continue.

There were ten elves, and one after the other, they were made to go on the magic circle, and perish. In the end, Karina and Morrigan were the only two left.

They were still treated terribly after that, but Morrigan kept encouraging her.

And then… They put the mask on her and took her somewhere. And when she came back, she didn’t remember Karina, and didn’t respond to anything, like a lifeless doll.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 year ago

Thanks for the treat.