Walking in another world – Chapter 392 – Reunion – Part five

I keep casting Heal and Recovery, until the Weakness disappears from Miharu’s status.

She’s still unconscious, but her breathing has stabilized, and I think she’ll wake up eventually…

The issue now is whether or not we should wait for her to wake up.

Now that I can use Presence Detection normally, I can see a lot of reactions above.

When I look at Map, I see two of them overlapping, before one is flung away and stops moving. Are they fighting?

The reaction is still there though, so that person didn’t die.

The kingdom’s side wouldn’t have worried about that, so I assume it’s beast people who defeated a knight.

“We can’t just take her with us and keep going.”

“Should we go back to Argo and the others?”

Asks Chris in response to my whisper. I guess that would be the safest option.

But then Naoto would have to leave us.

“Why? I’ll fight too.”

“But I’m also worried about leaving her alone in an unfamiliar place, especially when she wakes up surrounded by people she doesn’t know. She might panic.”

“…That’s very possible.”

“How about we go back, and talk when we get there?”

Proposes Rurika, cutting into our discussion when we can’t decide what to do.

“What about them, master?”

Asks Hikari about the people on the ground, fainted.

I think the restraints will keep them from escaping on their own, but…

“If we broke their legs, they wouldn’t be able to move.”

Naoto turns pale when he hears that.

Hikari really is merciless. Although it would be the most effective option.

“We should just throw them in there. Sora should be able to make a key.”

“…Let’s go with that.”

I’m pretty sure Sera suggested that not out of the kindness of her heart, but because breaking the legs of every person here would be too much work.

Although it still takes effort to drag them in there.

Me, Naoto, and Sera do that. We’re careful with the black clad ones, but not so much with the sorcerers.

Sera in particular drags their legs, and just throws them in there. I guess we are in a hurry. Sure, that’s why.

“Let’s go.”

Naoto and I nod silently to her.

He’s the one carrying Miharu on his back, because I’m more used to fighting people than him. Yes, there’s no other reason.

But then, Miharu renders our discussion from before pointless by waking up.

At first she seems lost, not understanding what’s going on, but when she sees me, she looks confused and starts struggling.

You’re going to fall if you do that.

Naoto puts her down, and she stands on her own, as she looks at everyone here in turn.

“H-hum… What is going on?”

Asking Naoto is the correct choice.

“It will be a bit long.”

What’s going on up there is on my mind, but we should explain first.

Map doesn’t show me the situation in detail, but from what I see, it doesn’t look like the beast people are outnumbered. And even if they were, I see a strong reaction coming this way, so they should be fine.

I’m sure that’s from Ghido. Actually, now I’m more concerned about them going overboard.

Even the kids in the faraway town said that ‘Mister Ghido’ is reckless.

Miharu is listening quietly to Naoto’s explanation, and it looks like she doesn’t like it one bit.

But she seems like the type to get silently angry, rather than explode.

“By the way Miharu, I heard that your job is Saint. Can you remove a slave mask?”

Asks Chris, after it seems Naoto is done explaining.

Miharu looks troubled, and Naoto lets out a dry laugh.

“Ah, I guess you could say Miharu…”

Naoto peeks her way, and everyone’s attention also falls on her, causing her to cast her eyes down in embarrassment.

And so, Naoto explains in her place.

Miharu, fittingly for a Saint, can cast strong Holy Magic. But the spells she knows are mostly geared for battle, and she knows basically no healing spells besides Heal. And even that doesn’t have a great effect.

“Then it wouldn’t work…”


“Don’t apologize. Everyone is good at some things, and bad at others.”

Mia is the opposite. She’s good at support magic, but not so much at offensive spells.

Otherworlders had the duty to defeat the demon king. The goddess Elizabeth probably controlled the abilities we can learn for that purpose.

“What do you want to do, Miharu? Wait with Argo and the others?”

“…I might drag you down, but… I want to come along. I want to see them one more time. And see what happens.”

I guess as one of the people forcibly brought here, she wants to see how it ends.

We might be facing that king again soon.

And so, we go up the stairs, heading to where we think the king is.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
11 months ago

Thanks for the treat.