Walking in another world – Chapter 395 – Judgment – Part two

Is this what it means when people say they can’t stand to hear something?

I hear screams and shouts, and shrieks from time to time.

Could it be that what’s happening in the throne room is audible from the outside?

I ask Ghido, who responds with a nasty smile.

“Yes, we used magic items to make sure what’s being said in there is transmitted throughout the capital. That idiot’s blabbing, thinking that might save him. If he just offed himself instead, he might have been able to save this country.”

That’s something valid in this country, confessions drawn through violence. Those would be invalid where I came from.

That’s why I can see Naoto and Miharu’s faces twitching. Rurika and the others on the other hand, are perfectly fine.

Chris… Is she angry? She’s gripping her staff tightly, and looks like she’s holding back her emotions.

The king basically just confessed to using elves for their experiments. Apparently they did all sorts of things using their ample magic energy.

All to sow strong seeds for when a time of need comes, is the reason he gives for his horrible actions.

But he doesn’t talk about us otherworlders at all.

No, he actually hasn’t said a word about anything involving otherworlders. Like how they used elves to summon people from another world.

“What will happen now?”

“…Who knows? I can’t guess what will happen to a human country. Maybe there will be a new ruler, maybe the country is finished… And End… No, he can’t. But the Beast Kingdom’s ministers are thinking something too, right?”

“Is this what you meant when you talked about different countries holding talks?”

“Yes. I think this world will become a little nicer for races other than humans.”

Really? Even if the kingdom itself, that touts human supremacy falls, I don’t think those deeply rooted ideas are going away so easily.

I guess regular people don’t really dislike beast people all that much, but I’ve never seen any here either.

Maybe they just don’t want to go to a country that will give them a hard time.

I guess what Ghido is trying to say, is that once this is gone and people start talking, things will change.

“But the empire is worse, so are things really going to change?”

If anything, I think people who believe in human supremacy will just move to the empire, and their beliefs will become firmer.

“Don’t worry about that. In fact, I think the empire is on a path to disaster.”

What does he mean by that? Is Ignis up to something again?

But as I think about this, it suddenly goes quiet. Is it over?

A beast person comes over here and calls us. And tells Naoto in particular to make a bold entrance.

And so, we’re going to position ourselves like we’re his subordinates as we go in.

The situation is supposed to be like the hero is here to save the king. Is that really necessary? But I guess Ryuryu’s plan is to give him a bit of hope, and strike him back down.

Well, it’s fine, I just have to follow along. And they ask everyone except Naoto to wear robes, so no one knows who we are.

That makes Naoto’s face twitch.

Ryuryu says I might have a turn too, but probably after the king has spewed enough about his crimes.

I’m pretty sure that was enough already, but I guess not.

“Good luck Naoto.”

“…Like it’s not your problem…”

It actually isn’t. If it was me instead, I’d use points to learn some sort of acting skill.

Anyway, he just has to go in there like he’s here to save the king. And then, depending on how the king responds, Ryuryu will signal to him so he knows what to say.

“That part about responding is the problem.”

It really does look like he’s struggling a bit. Miharu is talking to him too, but she looks more nervous than him.

It’s all right. We just have to stand there. And once we get the signal, reveal our faces.

And so, the second act starts.

As a result… The king confesses even more misdeeds.

About how he summoned people from another world to defeat the demon king. About how he used elves as sacrifices to do it… But he excuses it by saying it was necessary to protect this world.

But in the end, he looks at me and Miharu, and then at Hikari, and confesses that he was using otherworlders to defeat the demon king… And their blood to produce warriors that would help him make a new world with this country in its center.

I heard about it in the ruins too, but Hikari really has an otherworlder from the past as her ancestor.

“Well then, it’s time to give you your sentence. How about you become slaves, and pay for your crimes?”

Then Ghido makes his entrance, and casts enslavement magic on them.

Some people faint when he arrives at the scene, but that makes sense. A demon is something that causes terror in the hearts of regular people.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
11 months ago

Thanks for the treat.