Walking in another world – Chapter 396 – Capital – Part four

After the king is done confessing his crimes, it’s declared that he will become a slave.

I don’t know what’s happening in the capital right now, because the castle is surrounded by the noble district and away from areas where common people live, but I’m sure it’s in a state of confusion.

The king, who stands at the top of this country… And the queen and princes too, have been detained one after the other. And I’m pretty sure the nobles that stayed here in the capital are all being held captive for the time being.

I’m not sure what will happen to them, but it seems their punishment will fit the severity of their crimes.

“The problem is the nobles of other cities. Are they going to take this opportunity to stand on their own? Or help rebuild the country…”

People will be sent to negotiate, but who knows how it will turn out.

Relay city Physis is relatively close to the Beast Kingdom, so they’ll probably reach an understanding, but the issue is the South Gate City Epica.

“But don’t go thinking we want to rule this place or anything. If anything, it’d be easier to have Ghido and friends govern it.”

Ghido grimaces when Ryuryu says this. I think it will take a while for demons to be accepted.

After the king’s confession, the narrative has settled into the demons acting not as the agents of the demon king, but to stop the rampage of a country planning evil deeds.

Not to mention that they have the benefit of having gotten the beast king to help save elves and people who came here from another world.

In practice, demons never really did a lot, except against Elesya and the empire, and when they tried to kill Mia in the Holy Kingdom. Well, apparently they also have a history of attacking and killing otherworlders in secret though…

Maybe death is salvation, compared to living their whole lives as tools. It’s not like that’s a matter that doesn’t concern me either.

“Maybe it would be best to have the demon king rule it.”

I don’t know if Ghido is joking or being serious, but Chris puts a stop to it.

Afterwards, we meet up with Argo and the others, and Guilford runs over to the guild to explain the situation.

I was curious to see what the guild would do, but apparently they’ve decided not to interfere with the country, and are taking the stance to sit and watch.

But they’re also pitching in to help prevent the city from falling into chaos.

“And it’s not like there’s no way to make all the confusion die down.”

Ghido says that an unprecedented danger is on its way to the capital.

“Are you scheming something again?”

“Not scheming. The capital will be attacked by monsters.”

He says, and the bound royalty tremble.

“Why is that happening again?”

“Because the barrier is gone. The barrier went all the way beyond the fortress city… Into the outer edges of the dark forest. That means that even weak people could stop their advances. But now I’m sure they’re struggling because it’s gone.”

Ghido judges that the monsters will break through the fortress city and attack the capital.

“Are you talking about using that like how Adonis created a stampede in the Holy City?”

“We haven’t really done anything to the kingdom. In a way, it was all caused by their past actions.”

“And we should defend them?”

Asks Ryuryu, who was quiet until now.

“Exactly. Can you do it?”

“O-of course! We get a chance to show off!”

The beast king seems a little reluctant, but he’s looking forward to letting go and fighting. I think he’s just nervous when he talks to Ghido.

“Well, we’re joining too. It shouldn’t be a big deal.”

Ghido and the others are joining in to show that monsters are their enemies too. And to clear the rumors that demons control monsters and use them as underlings.

“And it would be good if Chris participated too.”

It’s a good stage to show the power of an elf.

“But isn’t spirit magic too strong? They might actually go the other way and get scared of elves…”

“They won’t. A lot of S rank adventurers are pretty much not human. Not that they’d stand a chance against me.”

I guess?

Argo and the others are nodding.

“Does that sound good, Chris?”

“Yes, I will be fine. And I have good memories of this city too. I won’t hesitate to use my power to save its people.”

If Chris accepts, then it’s fine. Rurika and Sera don’t show any signs of wanting to stop her either.

“That settles it. It’s only a matter of time until monsters get here, so you should do what you have to do before they do.”

I tilt my head, and Ghido sounds exasperated.

“I’m talking about asking how to remove those slave masks. If you ask End, he can get the answer.”

A lot of the new slaves, including the king, are bound to the beast king now.

That means that if I ask End, he might learn the way to remove the slave masks off Morrigan, and from that special squadron that had masks put on them like Hikari did.

And when I tell that to End, he immediately orders that the king be brought to him.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
11 months ago

Thanks for the treat.