Walking in another world – Chapter 397 – Reunion – Part six

It’s actually really simple. There’s no ritual or spell or anything. The king just touches the mask, says one word, and it comes off.

“Don’t do anything stupid. Just do as I ordered.”

Richend orders the king, but I’m sure he’s not going to do anything with a sword pointed at his neck anyway.

He’s sweating and pale, but I don’t feel sorry for him. And I’m sure the same goes for most people here. Except probably the other people affiliated with the kingdom that will meet the same end.

Everyone who’s had a mask taken off faints as a result, so they’re carried to beds. A lot of them seemed hazy anyway, so they need to rest.

Much like everyone else, when Morrigan’s mask is removed, we see she looks pale. It’s instantly clear that she isn’t healthy.

Chris, Sera, and Rurika are staying with her, along with Karina. Miharu is also standing by just in case, even though she’s also still not feeling a hundred percent. And I’m told they’ve already made arrangements to have people from the church come here.

Also, apparently it was Morrigan that Argo was looking for. His face is bright red, and his body completely stiff.

He’s not responding when his party calls out to him, so it’s probably best to leave him be until he reboots.

“So, how did you domesticate those?”

Richend asks the king, while pointing at the people with otherworlder blood.

“There’s a better way of phrasing that.”

Warns Ryuryu.

He’s asking how they made it so the black clad people listened not just to the king, but to people like those sorcerers too.

Ryuryu is exasperated, but the king tells them the chemicals they used to mess with their minds, so they give instructions to go look for a cure.

Apparently this isn’t something that can be solved right away. Especially since each person needs specialized treatment.

Hikari is listening closely to what they say, and watching as the others are taken away

“Are you worried for them?”

“…Don’t know. But it’d be nice if they ended up with a life like mine.”

“I see…”

“Yes. It’d be nice if they found something fun.”

What’s fun for Hikari… Well, I’m happy that she still managed to have fun during those harsh travels.

“So, End. What punishment are they getting?”

Asks Ghido, after having heard just about everything he wanted to hear.

I’m curious too. Is it up to Richend? He just looks confused about the question.

He starts peeking over at Ryuryu, but she ignores him completely.

Everyone here… Me, the demons, beast people, and the people related to the kingdom are all looking at him.

Eventually, Richend comes to a conclusion, and speaks.

“Hm. How about we have them dig holes and fill them? That would be the best punishment.”

He says with confidence.

I don’t know what to say, and the demons look like they’re struggling to respond too. Meanwhile, the beast people are all containing their laughter, and the people from the kingdom are perplexed.

“…How did you reach that conclusion?”

Asks Ghido, pretty much speaking for everyone here.

“…Because it’d be the roughest punishment…”

Says Richend, sounding like he’s struggling to speak. He’s looking into the distance, and his eyes look dead.

That’s when it hits me. That’s the roughest thing he has experienced himself.

But I don’t know about that suggestion… I think everyone here feels the same way, but no one’s saying it.

There’s this melancholic air around Richend that makes it really hard to interject.

“I’m thinking their punishment should be productive. First, let’s just separate them between the ones going to jail and the ones that aren’t.”

The awkward mood in the air is brushed away when Ryuryu starts to briskly give instructions.

Members of royalty are all confined in a separate room with guards, while the sorcerers are bound with magic items that prevent them from using their spells, and put in cells.

The knights whose behavior was bad are also thrown in cells.

Some of the demons and beast people will be standing guard, and they’re going to put out quests so adventurers can fill the gaps. Suffice to say, Argo and his party will act as intermediaries here.

Then we head to the room where Morrigan is resting.

I feel more tired about this than fighting.

When we get there, we’re told that Morrigan woke up, but went back to sleep. Her consciousness is still hazy, but Chris and the others were still relieved.

I see it on their faces that they’ve been crying, but I assume it was from happiness. They say so too.

“So, how did it turn out?”

Asks Rurika.

“The wolf man is pitiful.”

Says Hikari. That’s not an answer.

I take over, and explain to them what happened after they left.

“I see…”

When I’m done talking, it looks like Karina has mixed feelings as she nods.

“So what now? I mean, after we stop the advance of the monsters. We need to take Miharu to the faraway town, but should we take Morrigan and Karina there too?

“…Yes please. I don’t want to stay here.”

Then we’ll go back with Transfer, and then head to the Dragon Kingdom?

I actually want to walk, but that would take too much time.

Maybe it would be best to talk to Ghido and have them take the magic item mark to the Dragon Kingdom. I’ll ask when the fighting is over.

There’s also the fact that making another item will lower my MP.

But what about Argo’s party? I’ll ask them too when this is over.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
11 months ago

Thanks for the treat.